
廣論頁/行: P197L3~P198L2

手抄頁/行: #11 P187L10~P193LL1

音檔起訖:   86A_1903~86A_2930




Furthermore, you might think that, even were you to incur an infraction, you could confess it afterwards. However, in this case you lack an attitude of restraint that prevents you from committing the action again. So engaging in this infraction is like eating poison and telling yourself that you could always take the antidote later.

【◎ 又若念云:毀犯可悔,無後不犯防護之心,放逸轉者,說可還出,如食毒藥。】

前面曾經說,哦,然後你犯了以後,你可以懺悔,懺悔可以弄乾淨啊!是的,這個沒錯,但是雖然這樣說,後面要防護不再犯哦!你以為說:「唉,反正懺悔可以的!」然後呢後面馬馬虎虎,這個是吃毒藥哦!所以在這地方,不是說:「哎呀,我們反正懺一個悔,到那時候你就行了!」不行,不行!你心裡面如果放逸轉的話,這個實在沒有什麼 (p188) 多大的用場。是,它會感果的,這個是能引因,感所引的果,中間要經過無量劫以後,才能夠生出你這個來。所以你只要出家,哪怕你犯了戒,哪怕墮地獄,將來這個出家的功德還是有的。可是我們願意在地獄裡面,等了無量劫以後,再來感結那個果嗎?而結果的時候,還是要這麼辛苦認真地做,那又何必呢?所以這是我們平常要策勵的。

For, as the《Lion's Roar of Maitreya Sūtra》 states: Maitreya, in the future, in the final five-hundred-year period of the teaching, certain renunciation and householder bodhisattvas will claim that sinful karma is completely extinguished through confessing the fault. They will disclose the infraction, saying, "After we have become involved in sin, we will confess it." But they will not restrain themselves from doing it again. I tell you that they possess fatal karma.



不過有一種地方,我們要注意的哦!就是說這個地方的說「犯」,犯通常有什麼?四相,大家記得吧:事、意樂、加行、究竟。這個犯主要的,不僅僅在事相上面,最主要的 (p189) 是意樂,就是你內心是什麼意樂。說我想持,但到那時候就有很多因緣,比如說,我們隨便講嘛,現在我們持午。今天有一點事情你到大街上去買,匆匆忙忙買回來,趕回來了以後,「哎呀,時間怎麼差了!」在那兒吃的時候,這樣。所以那個心裡面,你還是懷著這個防護懺悔的心情,這個是可以懺的。如果說你「反正可以懺悔了,好了,今天本來我們就是公事,啊,正好公事嘛,馬路上就閒閒盪盪。」對不起,那懺也沒有用,你心裡面根本已經完全走錯了。還有一種就是說,到那時候反正是,「好了,到那時候懺一懺嘛就行了!」然後呢,照樣地隨著那個煩惱轉,這種就是這個地方所說的「作死業」。

What do I mean by fatal? For example, it is like people who ingest poison. They create their time of death, and then end up in a misguided descent into a miserable realm.



And also: Maitreya, what I call poison in the noble teaching of the discipline is transgressing the fundamental trainings as I have prescribed them. Therefore, do not eat such poison.



Given that maintaining vows in such a way applies to one who has taken the vows of individual liberation, it is also similar for one who practices the mantra vehicle.

(p190) 【若具別解脫律儀,應以如是道理守護,密咒亦然。】


For, the 《Tantra Requested by Subahu》 states that even householder practitioners of mantra must act in accordance with the texts on discipline, except for the matters concerning the marks (robes) of renunciates, the ceremonial activities, and some factors which are merely regulatory:
Of the entire discipline that I, the Conqueror, taught - The pure ethical discipline of individual liberation - A householder practitioner of mantra should set aside the signs and rituals, and practice the rest.
If this is the case, then it goes without saying that renunciate practitioners of mantra must act in accordance with the texts on discipline. Ethical discipline is the root of practicing the mantra vehicle as well.


The 《Tantra Requested by Subahu》 says: The root of the mantra vehicle is, in the first place, ethical discipline. From it come joyous preseverance, patience, faith in the Conqueror, the spirit of enlightenment. The mantra vehicle, and the absence of laziness. Just as a lord possessing the seven treasures tames all beings without disillusionment. So a mantra practitioner controls sins when possessing these seven.



(p191) 現在我們常常說:哎呀,密教是最高的啊,然後呢上面這些的根本都不要。高嘛是最高,根本嘛都不要,所以它正法壞的時候就這個現象,就這個現象!你都沒有根本,高有什麼用呢?大家越說得高是越是空話,因為大家高嘛,下面他就不要了。所以至少他不講高,他下面的根本上面還著力,根本還沒壞,還有機會爬得上;像你這樣說了高,根本也壞了,那什麼都沒有了。那這是好遺憾哪!

And, the 《Root Tantra of Manjusri》 says:
If these.persons who recite mantras spoil their ethical discipline,
They would lose the highest of attainments, also middling attainments, and the least of attainments.




佛從來沒有說過,犯了戒你能夠有什麼任何成就的,因為這一條路不是真正趣涅槃城 (p192) 那個正確的方向。

The Master of the Sages does not say that faulty ethical discipline achieves the tantric path. Breaking ethical discipline is neither a situation nor a destination for those going to the city of nirvana. For these miserable children, where is the achievement of the tantric path? For beings who have fault ethical discipline, where are the happy realms? Since they will attain neither high status nor the highest bliss, what need is there to speak of their attaining the knowledge of the mantra vehicle taught by the Conqueror?



p. 198

Kam-lung-ba said: When a famine occurs, everything depends on barley. In the same way everything revolved around ethical discipline in the practice of the teaching. Therefore, apply yourself to this!



Those who have not thought about karma and it's effects will not achieve pure ethical discipline. Therefore thinking about this is a personal imperative.


(p193) 如果要你要想得到戒清淨的話,它有一個必要的條件,什麼條件哪?你必定要了解這個業果的道理。所以如果是你要想持戒,你必定要懂得為什麼持戒,戒的因感戒的果,所以你一定要思惟從業感果這個道理。反過來說,如果說你不努力如理思惟業果的這個道理的話,那麼你要持戒,持不清淨的,所以思業果是最重要的教授!這地方也說明了什麼?這個戒不僅僅是個行相哦!這個戒真正重要的還在這個地方哦!你一定要懂得如此因感如此果。
