廣論頁/行: P228LL4~P230L1

手抄頁/行: #13 P57L1~P64LL1

音檔起訖:   98B_0000~98B_1235


Through affectionately viewing others as dear and beloved as much as you can, develop an attitude that cherishes others to the degree to which you previously cherished yourself - "Cherish others as you do yourself." To produce the attitude that cherishes beings in this way, you must remember their kindness or recognize that they help you.

【◎ 如昔於自愛樂執著,今於他所應令發起愛執之心,如云:「應執餘如我。」能發如是愛執有情,其因謂當念彼恩德,或見於自所作饒益。】


For example, once farmers see that through sowing healthy seeds they will reap a good and abundant harvest, they value a fertile field.

就像看見一個肥沃的田,哎呀,肥得不得了!你只要能夠好好地把這個你要的種子種 (p58) 下去的話,那結出來的果是「眾多上妙」,啊,好極了!你自然而然會很珍惜、很寶愛。

Likewise, once you are certain that you will accomplish all temporary and final well-being through sowing the seeds of generosity and so forth in the field of living beings,


you will cherish others. Reflect on this.


《Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds》 states:


Living beings and conquerors are similar - From them you achieve a buddha's qualities. How is it that you do not respect living beings just as you respect conquerors?

對呀!你要成佛,有情跟佛是同樣地生起佛法來的,既然你敬信佛,為什麼不敬有情?我們現在只曉得敬有情,不曉得─欸,只曉得敬佛,不曉得敬有情。佛之所以成佛, (p59) 他不但曉得敬佛,而且曉得敬有情,所以他一切東西都布施,一切東西都為有情。然後呢,看〈常不輕菩薩品〉啊,他就說:「我不輕汝等,汝等皆當作佛。」他心裡面是這樣想,行為上面這樣行,結果他成了佛。我現在不是要學佛嗎?喏,佛就是這個樣!這很清楚呀!你想到了這個,眼前這種問題都解決了。同時也了解:哎呀!我愛執什麼東西呀,一天到晚心裡面纏在那個地方,哎呀,痛苦啊!說起來沒別的,就是這一個,真正害我們的就是它呀!偏偏我們現在不認識,還老想纏在這個上面,真是可憐哪!所以啊,佛也奈何不了我們。嗯,現在懂得了,好啊!

p. 229

In reference to this, killing living beings leads you to the three miserable realms. If you save others from being killed, you go to a happy realm and have a long life there.


In the same way, stealing or giving away your resources, being hostile or cultivating love and compassion, will produce results such as leading you respectively to a miserable realm or to a happy realm.


Contemplate especially that you need to focus on living beings as you develop the spirit of enlightenment, and that by accomplishing the bodhisattva deeds for the sake of living beings, you reach buddhahood—so these too depend on living beings. Also, reflect on bringing generosity, etc. to perfection in dependence on living beings as taught in the verses on the necessity of making living beings happy.
(p60) 【特緣有情乃得發心,為利有情始修諸行,是故成佛亦須有情,要依有情施等乃滿,當審思惟。】


Nagarjuna's Essay on the Spirit of Enlightenment (Bodhicitta-vivarana) states:
The desirable and undesirable effects—
A life in the happy or miserable realms in this world
Arise through the benefit and harm
You do to living beings.
If you attain unexcelled buddhahood
In dependence on living beings,
Why be at all amazed that in these three realms,
The resources of deities or humans
Relied upon by Brahma, Indra, Rudra,
And the worldly protectors
Are also brought about by
Just helping living beings?
All of the many sufferings
Living beings experience
As animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings
Come from harming living beings.
The sufferings of hunger,
Thirst, violence, and torture,
Which are difficult to reverse and inexhaustible,
Are the results of harming living beings.


The sravakas' goal is inferior because they do not emphasize others' welfare, whereas buddhas attain the final goal because they stress others' welfare. It is said that once you have contemplated the principle here, you should not for even an instant be attached to your own welfare.
(p61) 【諸聲聞等果報下劣,是由未能廣行利他,諸佛獲得究竟果位,是由廣利有情而生,應思此理,不應剎那貪著自利。】


The Essay on the Spirit of Enlightenment states: With effort eliminate as a poison, Your lack of care for living beings. Don't sravakas attain an inferior enlightenment because they lack caring? By not forsaking living beings, perfect buddhas attain enlightenment.

現在我們要貪的是貪什麼?貪著怎麼利有情。當你對有情不去利益他,所以對利益有情這一件事情,你不管了,「離貪」了,那種是毒的,應該棄捨。聲聞之所以證聲聞的話,他就只管自己,沒有執著這個利。所以這個貪也不壞呀,看你貪對了。所以呀,因為聲聞不貪著這個利人,所以他雖然證得菩提,這個菩提是「下菩提」。反過來,佛呢?佛 (p62) 是貪著,因為貪著,所以不棄捨有情,所以證得大菩提。

Once bodhisattvas ascertain the effects arising from helping and not helping, how can they remain even for a moment attached to their own welfare?


Therefore, after conquerors' children understand that full absorption in others' welfare and the goal of enlightenment arise from the sprout of the spirit of enlightenment, and after they see that its root is compassion, they are very intent on cultivating compassion.


They become thoroughly conditioned to it so that their compassion and spirit of enlightenment become firm. Thereupon they cannot help but engage in the deeds of the great undertaking that is most challenging.


所以到這裡我們了解了,喏!真正我們修行的,現在的中心是什麼?一定是大菩提 (p63) 心,而不是旁的。旁的是什麼?不是不修,而是堅固。所以真正修學佛法,必定要知道:你只小乘嘛,厭離心這個最重要,不必忙別的;大乘嘛,是菩提心這個最重要。你有了這個,這個生起來,然後呢做什麼事情,一切自然而然都感果。你如果這一點做不到,你說:「哎呀,要忙這個,要打坐、念佛啊!」對不起,這個都是事倍功半哪!他能夠生的還不錯了,都是走的遠路啊!

The Essay on the Spirit of Enlightenment states: The fruit of enlightenment solely for others' welfare, grows from the sprout of the spirit of enlightenment, which has a root of firm compassion. This is what conquerors' chilaren cultivate.


One who stabilizes this through conditioning, though initially terrified by the suffering of others. Later gives up even the bliss of meditative stabilization and enters the Unwavering Hell. This is amazing! This is praiseworthy! This is the superior way of excellent beings.

你只要把這個前面的努力修習生起而堅固的話,於是你呀,自己就不管了,只管別人。哎呀,看見別人痛苦啊,你就自己是:「啊!要救他,要救他!」你所怕的,只怕他人受苦,不怕自己受苦,因為你看見別人受苦,你就是自己再快樂,你就放掉。而快樂當中,最快樂的就是靜慮啊,就是色界定當中的快樂,最快樂。最快樂你能夠捨掉,他到最 (p64) 苦的地方去做,這個時候一定可以做得到的。這一個才是真正最難得的、最稀奇的,這個應該稱讚的。這個才是什麼?「勝士法」,哪!這個殊勝大士的方法。

Now also develop certainty about these methods by means of the sayings of excellent beings, as follows:


Atisha said, "Tibet recognizes 'bodhisattvas' who do not know how to train in love and compassion."
