廣論頁/行: P235L5~P236L6

手抄頁/行: #13 P119L10~P127LL3

音檔起訖:   100A_1139~100A_2552


The ritual for adopting the spirit of enlightenment is as follows. Recite the following three times: "All buddhas and bodhisattvas who reside in the ten directions, please listen to me. 0 master, please listen to me. By means of my virtuous roots in the nature of generosity, ethics, or meditation—which I, (say your name at this point), in this and all other lives, cultivated, enjoined others to cultivate, or rejoiced in the cultivation of—I, (say your name), will generate the spirit of great, unexcelled, perfect enlightenment from now until I reach the heart of enlightenment, just as the earlier perfect buddhas, who are arhats and tathdgatas, and the great bodhisattvas who reside on the high levels generated the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. I will liberate all living beings who are not liberated. I will free all living beings who are not freed. I will relieve those without relief. [326] I will cause to reach nirvana those who have not reached it."
【◎ 受心儀軌者,「惟願現住十方一切諸佛菩薩於我存念,阿闍黎耶存念,我名某甲,若於今生,若於餘生,所有施性戒性修性善根,自作教他見作隨喜,以此善根如昔如來應正等覺及住大地諸大菩薩,於其無上正等菩提而發其心。如是我名某甲,從今為始乃至菩提,亦於無上正等菩提而發其心,有情未度而當度之,未解脫者而解脫,諸未安者而安慰之,未涅槃者令般涅槃。」如是三說。】

(p120) 那麼,就是受的這個儀軌,現在這個完整的儀軌這樣的,「如是三說」。

Even though it is not made clear that you must repeat this after the master in both this part and the refuge part of the ritual, you must do so.


These instructions are the procedure to be followed when a master is present. With respect to how to proceed without a master, the Great Elder's Ritual Procedures for the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Bodhisattva Vows says:


Although there is no master, there is a ritual for developing the spirit of enlightenment oneself as follows. Imagining the Tathagata Sakyamuni and all the tathligatas of the ten directions, make obeisame and the ritual offerings, etc., and then go through the process of going for refuge and so forth as before, eliminating the word "master" and the supplication to the master.


The master tells the precepts of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment.
【◎ 完結儀軌者。阿闍黎耶應為弟子,宣說願心諸應學處。】

(p121) 正受完了,那麼受好了以後,那個時候,他那個阿闍黎─尊長,就應該為那個弟子說:「好了啊!現在你發了這個願,應該學些什麼。」那個時候要詳細教他,那個時候應該詳細教他,這個是我們應該了解的。就是我們現在剛開始的時候也是一樣,哪怕是給人家授個皈依,或者我自己去受皈依,就是事先就應該了解:為什麼要皈依?為這種原因,皈依的對象是什麼?然後皈依的時候是如何皈依?皈依完了以後應該學習什麼?這個在前面共下士當中都說明。然後呢,共中士又有皈依,然後共上士又有皈依。


b Maintaining and not weakening what you have attained.

(p122) 前面是「未得令得」,這個「得」什麼?得皈依之體。所謂皈依之體是什麼呀?就是,喏!你那個心種。然後呢,這個心種啊,要真實皈依了以後,這個種生起現行。這個是非常重要,非常重要的一件事情!所以說,從我們平常三皈依開始,受五戒、八戒,乃至具足戒,乃至大菩提願心,為什麼事前先要有正確的認識,要有了解。那個不僅僅是落下那個種子是完整的,而那個種子一定是對著這個殊勝的境界策發了現行,然後你一直保護,使那個現行不斷地繼續向前,這個是最重要的一點。你只要把這個東西保持恆長相續的話,哪怕你睡覺,功德一直在增長,功德一直在增長。所以說,你只要保持這個不壞不失的話,拿這個回向,喏,就是這樣─為求解脫,持比丘戒,保持著這一個不破壞的話,回向往生,中品;現在到了上士,你保持這個不失,你回向往生淨土的話,上品。這個是願心哦,還不是行心哦!


(p123) 惡法是如此,善法也是如此。得到了!這個得到了就是得到這個東西,啊!這樣。那麼,得到了以後呢,守護啊,不讓它壞掉啊,不要讓它壞掉啊!如果壞掉了,那就完了,你一定要還要重受才行。

You need to know the precepts, so I will explain them.


This has two parts:
1. The training in the precepts that cause you not to weaken your spirit of enlightenment in this lifetime
2. The training in the precepts that cause you to not separate from your spirit of enlightenment in future lifetimes as well.
(p124) 【此中分二,① 修學現法不退發心之因,② 修學餘生不離發心之因。】


The training in the precepts that cause you not to weaken your spirit of enlightenment in this lifetime has four parts:
1. The training in the precept to recall the benefits of the spirit of enlightenment in order to increase the strength of your enthusiasm for it
【初中分四,① 為於發心增歡喜故應當修學憶念勝利。】


2. The training in the precept to generate the spirit of enlightenment six times each day in order to increase the actual spirit of enlightenment.
3. The training in the precept not to mentally abandon the living beings for whose sake you develop the spirit of enlightenment.
4. The training in the precept to accumulate the collections of merit and sublime wisdom.
【② 正令增長所發心故應當修學六次發心,③ 為利有情而發其心應學其心不捨有情,④ 修學積集福智資糧。 今初】


p. 236 (3)

Think about the benefits of the spirit of enlightenment, after you have either researched them in the Sūtras or listened to them from your guru.
【◎ 若閱經藏或從師聞。】


They are explained in detail in the 《Array of Stalks Sūtra》, so look there.

(p125) 喏,《華嚴經》講得最詳細,應該好好地看。

As stated above, this text says, "the spirit of enlightenment is like the seed of all the buddha qualities,"


and it also states, "the spirit of enlightenment is like a summary because it includes all the bodhisattva deeds and aspirational prayers."


It is a "summary" in the sense that everything is compiled into a brief indication although there are endless, detailed explanations of the parts.


Like a summation of these parts, it is said to be a synopsis which brings together the key points of all the bodhisattva paths.

(p126) 「嗢柁南」就是個大綱,這個大綱裡邊包含了所有的東西。就比如說,我們現在常常說的,「你有多少財產?」「我有一個契約。」雖然這個契約是一張紙,欸,對不起,這張紙不得了,就包含你的所有的東西。

The benefits mentioned in the 《Bodhisattva Levels》 are those of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment. That text states two benefits for the first stable generation of the spirit of enlightenment: becoming a pure field for accumulating merit and being fully endowed with protective merit.


實際上,這個被尊重的話,不僅是我們凡夫哦!所以這地方我們又可以提一下,回 (p127) 憶一下。這個阿羅漢一看見那個小沙彌發了一個心,那根本談不到堅固哦,只心裡面才這麼一念一動:「喔,我要學菩薩!」那個證了果的阿羅漢馬上:「啊,你請前面!」然後呢,恭恭敬敬把那個包袱那個擔在後面,那千真萬確的事實哦!而這種事情只有聖者才能看得清清楚楚。這也說明什麼?事情的千真萬確。而正因為我們凡夫啊,我們都是愚癡矇在眼睛裡看不見哪!這菩提心的殊勝的利益,是不得了的。何況你現在正確地發的心,而且「堅固」,一動都不動,這樣啊!
