廣論頁/行: P233LL3~P235L4

手抄頁/行: #13 P113L1~P119L9

音檔起訖:   100A_0000~100A_1139


【◎ 歸依學處者,前下士時所說學處,今於此中阿闍黎耶亦應為說。】


2 Amassing the collection of merit. With respect to the ritual for generating the spirit of enlightenment Atisha explains that at this point also you make obeisance, offering, and so forth. Follow the 《Commentary on the Difiicult Points of the "Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment"》 where it says that you should perform the seven branches of worship, bringing to mind all the buddhas, bodhisattvas, and your former and present teachers.
【◎ 積集資糧者。發心儀軌中,於此亦說修禮供等,《釋論》中說修七支供,憶念諸佛及諸菩薩,若昔若現諸善知識,應如是行。】


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Understand that making offerings to the gurus should be done at the time you make the earlier offerings as well. Practice the seven branches of worship by following either the text of the Prayer of Samantabhadra or Engaging in the Bodh isattva Deeds.
(p114) 【供諸尊長者,前供養時亦應了知。七支者普賢行願,入行論文,隨一即可。】


3 Purifying your attitude: Since in his 《Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment》 Atisha says that you should first feel love in your heart and then generate the spirit of enlightenment upon seeing suffering living beings, vividly bring to mind the objects and the subjective aspects for love and compassion as explained previously.
【◎ 修淨心者。《道炬論》說慈心為先,觀苦有情而發其心,謂令慈悲所緣行相.皆悉明顯俱如前說。】


Actual ritual - In front of the master you should either kneel with your right knee on the ground or squat down on the balls of your feet and, after you join your hands respectfully, generate the spirit of enlightenment.
(p115) 【◎ 正行儀軌者。謂於阿闍黎前,右膝著地或是蹲踞,恭敬合掌而發其心。】


In reference to this the 《Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment》 says: Develop the spirit of enlightenment. That is an irreversible commitment. And the Ritual Procedures for the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Bodhisattva Vows says,"...until I reach the heart of enlightenment." Therefore, it is not that you generate the spirit of enlightenment thinking only, "I will attain buddhahood for others' sake." Rather, you focus on such a thought and make the commitment, "I will not part from this determination to attain buddhahood for the sake of all beings until I reach enlightenment." So generate the attitude with these two aspects in dependence on the ritual.

正行的話,就是照著前面這個儀軌,這前面是告訴我們這個道理,道理弄懂了,那麼到那個時候,照著儀軌正式地跟你心裡相應地,不僅僅是念一遍。當這個儀軌過程當中,心裡面就跟它相應,心裡面跟它相應。從前面一路過來,現在我們了解了,一定是六根所緣的境界,都跟它相應的時候,這個時候力量才最具足、最圓滿,這樣,必定是如此。所以這個儀軌固然是,一個是眼根見,耳根是聽,身在這個地方,意所緣,然後還要觀想,如實地一一現起。那麼發的心呢,就是照前面說的,要不退轉的,發了菩提心絕不退轉。這個到什麼時候呢?一直到成佛;成佛了,永遠照著這樣下去。而這個裡邊哪,不是單單是利他,就是自利等等,為了自他二利「願當成佛而發其心」。「是緣所發心」,這個在沒有證得圓滿的佛果之前,絕不停止,絕不棄捨!照著這個儀軌所告訴我們 (p116) 的,這樣去發。

Do not generate this attitude in this way if you are incapable of learning the precepts of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment.


If one were to generate through the ritual just the thought "I will become a buddha for the sake of all living beings," then it would be proper to give the ritual to anyone, whether capable or incapable of learning the precepts of the aspirational spirit of enlightenment. In the case of the aspirational spirit, these two ways of generating the spirit—for those capable of learning the precepts and with the commitment, and for those incapable of learning the precepts and without the commitment—are suitable,


but when it comes to adopting the engaged spirit of enlightenment through the ritual, it is completely wrong to give it to those fully incapable of learning the precepts.
(p117) 【若用儀軌受其行心,若於學處全不能學,則一切種決定不可。】


Therefore, some people have a great misunderstanding when they assert the distinction that in the lineage of Nagarjuna it is proper to give the bodhisattva vows in many rituals whereas in the lineage of Asanga it is improper to do so.


Furthermore, some say that when beginners are practicing, they should repeatedly adopt the engaged spirit of enlightenment through its ritual. However, since these beginners do not know the precepts in general and the fundamental transgressions in particular, they cannot demonstrate the particulars of what should then be done, putting them in a very harmful situation.

(p118) 又有一種人說剛開始的初機啊,這些人就叫他去受這個菩薩儀軌,讓他多受啊,「啊,就是這樣的啊……。」就這樣。實際上這個情況,在這種情況之下,他根本就不曉得這個菩薩的內容,以及應該學習什麼,以及受了這個戒以後你如果犯戒的毛病,就是說重要的罪犯等等啊,你就這樣地說的話,啊!那是最沒有意義的事情,最沒有意義的事情。

Kamalasila's 《first Stages of Meditation》, citing the Advice to the King, says that if you cannot learn the precepts of generosity, etc., you achieve much merit in even a simple generation of the spirit of enlightenment,


and then says, "Even those who cannot completely learn the perfections should generate the spirit of enlightenment in order to be imbued with method,
(p119) 【依據此意《修次初篇》云,「若一切種,不能修學諸波羅蜜多,】

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because there is a great result." So it is very clear that while it is correct to give the ritual for generating the spirit of enlightenment to those who cannot learn the precepts of generosity, etc., it is incorrect to give them the bodhisattva vows.
