廣論頁/行: P233L2~P233LL4

手抄頁/行: #13 P106L1~P110L6

音檔起訖:   99B_2159~99B_2930


Since it is said that you should have the idea that your guru is the Teacher [Buddha], bow down to your guru while believing that he or she is the Buddha,
(p106) 【◎ 第二者次說於師須住佛想,故應作佛勝解。】


and then offer a mandala and other material offerings. With your right knee bent to the your hands respectfully and make a supplication for the spirit of enlightenment,


reciting the following three times: Just as the former perfect buddhas, who are tathagatas and arhats, and the great bodhisattvas on the high levels initially generated the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment, please, 0 master, help me, (say your name at this point), to generate the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment.


Next, perform a practice of going for refuge that is specific to this context. The objects of this refuge are the bhagavan buddhas, the teaching that is the truth of the path which emphasizes the Mahayana cessations; and the community of noble bodhisattvas, who are irreversible.

這個要曉得這個地方,正式他請完了以後,然後這個他的尊長,就要把這個皈 (p107) 依授給他的時候,要說明你現在這皈依的境,不是以前的,跟以前有個不同,所以這叫「殊勝皈依」。這個殊勝皈依,是什麼?佛─世尊。當然我們剛開始的時候,佛也是世尊,可是剛開始佛的世尊,我們也隨隨便便:「佛嘛就是世尊嘛!就是世尊了。」這個地方你必定要了解的,說大乘的佛的特徵是什麼?剛才所以說,十倍一切有情的功德,只是佛的一個毛孔的,這說明就在這裡,這個概念我們在正學的時候,一定要知道。然後呢,「法」那是的確是大乘佛法。不過這個地方注意喔!這個大乘滅道二諦不離小乘哦!只是在那個小乘的基礎上面深廣不同。千萬不要誤會,沒有前面那個基礎的擴大,沒有後面這高樓大廈。然後呢,「僧」同樣地,由於這個基礎上面,要進入廣學一切法,學一切智智的這種聖位菩薩。那是我們所皈依的對象,「以為其境」。

In general think about them as follows: "From now until I reach the heart of enlightenment,


and for the sake of protecting all beings, please, buddhas, be my teachers of refuge; please, teaching, be my actual refuge; and please, community, be the ones who assist me to attain refuge."


(p108) 【具此總意樂。】


Then make a special thought: Since the 《Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment》 says, "With an irreversible thought...," make a strong aspiration,


尤其是在這個地方,我們要了解,他從一開頭,出離心、菩提心,任何一個地方,必定是什麼啊?心裡邊是很深切地產生決定不移的認識,然後內心當中,是一種非常強有力的跟法相應的心情,不是這個浮浮泛泛、馬馬虎虎,坐在那裡有氣無力的樣子,那 (p109) 是一點意思都沒有!這個我們應該了解的。那麼下面,

"I will never turn away from such a way of thinking about refuge,"


and go for refuge with a posture like that explained above [one knee on the ground and hands joined].




Recite the following three times: "0 master, please listen to me. I, (say your name at this point), from now until I reach the heart of enlightenment go for refuge to the bhagavan buddhas, supreme among beings. 0 master, please listen to me. I, (say your name at this point), from now until I reach the heart of enlightenment, go for refuge to the best of teachings, the teachings of peace free from attachment. 0 master, please listen to me. I, (say your name at this point), from now until I reach the heart of enlightenment, go for refuge to the best of assemblies, the members of the community of noble bodhisattvas, who are irreversible. Even though there is a request for consideration at each refuge in each of the three jewels and an unusual wording for going for refuge in the teaching, I have written the ritual exactly as Atisha composed it.
【阿闍黎耶存念,我名某甲,從今時始乃至證得大菩提藏,歸依寂靜離欲諸法眾法中尊。阿闍黎耶存念,我名某甲,從今時始乃至證得大菩提藏,歸依不退菩薩聖僧諸 (p110) 眾中尊。」如是三說。皈依一一寶前,各一存念,及歸法文句與餘不同,皆如覺窩所造儀軌。】


Stating the precepts of refuge: The master should give here the precepts already explained in the context of teachings for the person of small capacity.
【◎ 皈依學處者,前下士時所說學處,今於此中阿闍黎耶亦應為說。】