廣論頁/行: P251L5~P252L6

手抄頁/行: #14 P64L10~P75L8

音檔起訖:   106B_2118~107A_0323


In particular, bodhisattvas eliminate all afflictions on the eighth level.
【◎ 特八地位】


Therefore, when they stabilize on the ultimate, wherein they have quelled all elaboration,


the buddhas exhort them, explaining that they have to train in the bodhisattva deeds:
(p65) 【諸佛於彼作是勸云:】


"With just this knowledge of emptiness you cannot become enlightened


because the sravakas and pratyekabuddhas have also obtained this nonconceptuality.


Look at my immeasurable body, immeasurable sublime wisdom, immeasurable realm, and so forth. You also do not have my powers and so on. Joyously persevere for the sake of these attributes.


Think about the living beings not at peace, disturbed by various afflictions.
(p66) 【又當思惟,未能靜寂諸有情類種種煩惱之所逼惱。】


But do not discard this forbearance [meditation on emptiness]," and so forth.




To be satisfied with a certain, trivial meditative concentration and to set aside everything else is something ridiculed by scholars.

喏,這個地方最後一句話,我們現在稍微得到一點點相應啊就已喜足了,然後呢其他的都棄捨掉了,真正有智慧看的人哪,真覺得可笑、可憐啊!這一點大家千萬注意啊,千萬注意!我們現在真正的大毛病始終在什麼地方,就是自己的障礙。總歸得到了一點點: (p67) 「哎呀,好了,好了,我就這個樣了!好了,好了,我就這個樣了!」所以真正要懺悔的話,第一件事情一定要把這個拿掉。當然,畢竟自己不行,畢竟自己太差,那也不勉強,那只好只有走這條遠路。尤其是想學大乘佛法的人,這個概念不拿掉,大乘根本談不到,大乘根本談不到!這樣。


The 《Sūtra on the Ten Levels》 says: Listen! There are children of the conquerors, bodhisattvas, who abide in this bodhisattva's immovable level [eighth level], who have generated the power of previous aspirational prayers, and who are stabilized in the "stream of entrance to the teaching" meditation [meditation on emptiness]. The bhagavan buddhas have them accomplish a tathagata's sublime wisdom, saying this:
【如《十地經》云:「佛子,若有菩薩安住菩薩此不動地,諸佛世尊於此安住法門之 (p68) 流,發宿願力,為令善修如來智慧,作是教言。】


"Children of good lineage, very good, very good!


This goal—the knowledge of all the buddha qualities—is a forbearance of the ultimate.




you do not have my ten powers, fearlessnesses, and so forth, the buddha qualities in all their richness.

(p69) 十力、四無所畏圓滿佛法你都沒有啊!

Joyously persevere at seeking these perfected qualities of a buddha. Do not throw away this very entrance to forbearance [meditation on emptiness].


Children of good lineage, though you have thus attained peace and liberation, think about the ordinary, childish beings, who are not at peace and are driven by various upsurges of diverse afflictions.


Children of good lineage, recollect your earlier aspirational prayers, what you should attain for the welfare of living beings, and the inestimable entrance to sublime wisdom.


Also, children of good lineage, this is the reality of phenomena.

(p70) 這個八地菩薩所證得的─一切法的法性,法爾如是。

Whether there are tathagatas or not, the sphere of reality simply remains; it is the emptiness of all phenomena, the non-apprehension of all things.


p. 252

Not by this alone are the tathagatas to be distinguished;


p. 252

Not by this alone are the tathagatas to be distinguished;


all sravakas and pratyekabuddhas also attain this nonconceptual real nature.


Also, children of good lineage, look at my immeasurable body, my immeasurable sublime wisdom, my immeasurable buddha-realm, my immeasurable actualization of sublime Wisdom, my immeasurable halo of light, and the immeasurable pure modulations of my voice—and produce something similar in yourselves."
(p74) 【又善男子當觀我身無有限量,無量智慧,無量佛土,無量成辦智,無量光明輪,無量清淨音聲,汝亦當如是修。」 】


The 《Sūtra on the Ten Levels》 also gives the example


of a ship sailing out to sea, driven by a favorable wind. The distance it covers in a single day exceeds the distance it goes even in a hundred years after starting from port without a wind and using effort to move it. Likewise, it says, after you have reached the eighth level, without a great effort you cover in just a moment an amount of the path to omniscience not possible before reaching this level, even if you were to strive at the path for one hundred thousand eons. You fool yourself, therefore, by saying "I have a shortcut," and then not learning the bodhisattva deeds.
【「譬如大船入大海已,順風所吹一日進程,未入海前勵力牽行,縱經百年亦不能進,如是已至八地不待策勵,須臾 進趣一切智道,若未得入此地之前,縱經億劫勵力修道,亦不能辦。」故若唱言有速疾道,不須修學菩薩行者,是自誑自。】

下面這個非常重要,就像大船一樣,在江裡邊啊,唉呀,這個要拖啊、要拉啊,不行!這是沒有進入大海。一進入大海啊,那個大海有海闊天空,又這個風又大,吹一天所進程的話,唉,在沒有進入大海之前,你努力去拉啊,這一百年也達不到這個。所以啊,到了八地菩薩,所謂不動地,任運無功用行了,他「須臾」,任何一剎那,在一切智這一 (p75) 條道路上走的這個功德,在沒有進入這個之前,經過億劫努力修行也不能辦。所以經上告訴我們,進了八地菩薩,他隨便哪怕一點什麼東西給狗吃,至於做一樣東西,一點點事情的功德,把他所有以前的功德積累起來還要超過,就這樣。啊!所以這個關鍵就在這裡。
