廣論頁/行: P222L4~P222LL1

手抄頁/行: #12 P271L1~P277L9

音檔起訖:   96B_0000~96B_1151


So, suppose that you are not anywhere near these objectives and that you give rise to the mere thought, "I will attain buddhahood for the sake of all living beings, and in order to do this I will cultivate this virtue." You may make the great error of entertaining the false conceit.
【◎ 故全未知此之方境,僅作是念,為欲利益一切有情,願當成佛,為此義故我行此善。發此意樂便大誤會。】


"I have attained it" with regard to something you have not attained.

你根本懂都沒有懂啊,還自以為得到了,所以「未得謂得」,這個都是增上慢。還自 (p272) 己還牢不可破,覺得自己:「啊!對了。」這是堅固了增上慢。既然你堅固了增上慢,得到的是什麼?到那時候,我們大家了解了。啊!所以當年我的老師對我說:「某人啊,你來是學佛,還是學我呀?」嗯,那時候我不懂,現在我了解了─喏、喏、喏,這個地方就是這樣,我們是要學佛啊,我們不要學我啊!如果你不懂這個道理,自己以為懂的話,堅固了增上慢哪!「我」的特別行相,就是這個慢,就是貪瞋癡慢疑這些東西,毛病都來了。所以應該怎麼辦呢?應該以菩提心教授中心而善修習。反之,如果你

If you then hold that the spirit of enlightenment is the core personal instruction, yet instead of training in it you search for something else and work on that,


then you are only making a claim to have passed through many of the levels of attainment. If those who know the key points of the Mahayana see you doing this, they will ridicule you.


當然我們現在─小乘的,這裡根本不談,他不談的。所以若小乘人自己也覺得大 (p273) 乘……我們以前說過,不必跟他談。然後呢,學大乘的人的話,這個地方就應該有一個衡準的標準了。尤其是學密乘的人,看看!很簡單。所以這個密乘一開頭任何一個儀軌,他一定是念死無常等等,然後發菩提心喔!請問:這個時候菩提心是不是說,啊,僅作是念─這嘴巴裡了解說為利有情願成佛,就算我發了菩提心?就算我有了大根性?就算我灌了一個頂?就不會有這種增上慢了。這個了解了以後,我們就腳踏實地;你能夠腳踏實地去做的話,你的成就馬上就行!

Many books say that the excellent conquerors' children train in the spirit of enlightenment for many eons, holding it as their most important practice. What need is there to mention that it could not be attained by those who have nothing more than a superficial understanding?

所以很多經論上面,「勝佛子」,換句話說,他已經進入菩薩位的了,在多劫當中還要拿這個作為中心而去修啊!何況我們現在只曉得這個名字就不去管它了。記得吧?前面告訴我們,「悲」呀,初重要,中重要,後重要!對不對?初,固然是它,中間還是它啊!所以真正的大菩薩中間修的時候,他還隨時隨地在修,這是千真萬確的事實啊!所以,以阿底峽尊者這麼了不起的人,他這麼年輕,這麼絕頂聰明,見到了明了杜梋論師以後,跟他一講,他馬上證得這個加行位上的最高的位次,馬上上去又可以見道了。欸,但是後來遇見了金洲大師告訴他的什麼?那就是告訴他這個方法。啊!他然後覺得這個最了 (p274) 不起。說明什麼呢?說明真正這種大乘的菩薩,他還要努力地修啊!這個是告訴我們,我們千萬不要增上慢哪!覺得:「哎呀,現在夠了!」那是我們的業障。

This is not to say it is unsuitable to meditate on other paths, but it is to say you must hold the training in the spirit of enlightenment as the core instruction and then sustain it in meditation.


There are those who, even without having gained the experiences as explained above, know about the Mahayana trainings and have firm conviction in the Mahayana. They first develop the spirit of enlightenment and take the vow through the ritual, and then train in the spirit of enlightenment.


For instance, in 《Engaging in the Bodhisattva Deeds》 first there is a description of adopting the spirit of enlightenment and taking the vow and then a detailed explanation of how to practice the spirit of enlightenment in the context of meditative stabilization (in section within the six perfections, which are the trainings subsequent to generating the spirit of enlightenment).


However, even in order to establish yourself as a proper recipient for these practices, you must first train in many kinds of earlier attitudes.
(p275) 【然為成就此法器故,於先亦須修眾多心。】


After you have trained your mind by thinking of the benefits, by practicing the seven branches of worship, and by going for refuge, and after you have come to understand the trainings, then you develop the desire to maintain the spirit of enlightenment.


Some say rightly, though merely uttering the words, that in order to progress on the path you must go on increasing your knowledge of emptiness. In order to progress on the path you must likewise first sustain the spirit of enlightenment in meditation and then increase it in an ever more special way the higher you go, persons do not even merely utter these words.

所以,我們真正在修學佛法當中,主要的有兩樣東西:一個智資糧,一個福資糧。智慧資糧,就是像母一樣,這是空解;然後呢,福德資糧─方便,那個就是什麼呢?就是大悲為上首的菩提心,就像父。這兩樣東西啊,同樣地。所以進道過程當中,關於那個智資糧修空性解,它漸次這樣上來「尚有名在」。這是那個宗喀巴大師說,它那個告訴你的那些道理還有。但是現在我們這個地方的大菩提心,這個是大乘佛法的上首啊!同樣地也要好好地修,而且修了以後不斷地向上增勝,這樣才可以,而目前這個重要的東西,連它 (p276) 名字都沒有!實際上呢,我們現在就這個狀態。我們講:「哎呀,要求大徹大悟啊!」這個的的確確,但是那修真正的佛道的大菩提心的內容,我們啊,唉!真正的內容都沒有,這是好可惜的一件事情!反過來說,我們現在高興,啊!現在我們有了,懂了!

This is the one way traveled by all the conquerors, the twenty-two kinds of spirit of enlightenment taught in the 《Ornament for Clear Knowledge》. Understand this from the great trailblazers' explanations concerning how to progress on the path by means of these two, the spirit of enlightenment and the knowledge of emptiness.


上面有一個題目,照樣地大家看一下,就是前面在這個186頁上頭。前面曾經說,說了十二因緣當中,就告訴我們,這個十二因緣當中告訴我們:這個從無明到受,是第一重因果,然後愛下面是第二重因果,我們正修的時候,從受境現前的時候,斷愛開始,十二因緣這樣講的。但是呢,妙咧!186頁上第2行,他說:「此中樸窮瓦 (p277) 大善知識」,這是一個真實修行的祖師喔,「專於十二緣起的有支,淨修其心」。欸,妙咧!他真正修的時候,不從受境上面斷那個愛,他從有支淨修其心,然後呢,「思惟緣起流轉還滅而著道次第」喔,他告訴我們這樣修。那我現在這是一個考題喔,大家想想看:那麼為什麼不從這個受支上面斷愛開始,從有支開始?

請翻到《菩提道次第廣論》223 頁,關於這個「修習希求利他之心」,這個七因果前面最主要的這個已經有了。怎麼樣從知母、念恩、報恩,然後呢,慈、悲。那麼到了這個情況之下,緊跟著說雖然已經有了這樣的大的慈悲心,無量的慈悲心,但是單單這個心還不夠,前面已經說過,聲聞緣覺也有。還要一樣東西─要「親自」來負擔,親自給一切有情樂,親自負擔起拔除一切眾生苦─這個增上意樂。現在就講這個。