廣論頁/行: P231L1~P231LL3

手抄頁/行: #13 P87LL2~P95L6

音檔起訖:   99A_2232~99B_0423


4 The Ritual For Adopting the Spirit of Enlightment.
【◎ 第四儀軌正受者。】


The Great Elder said: Those who wish to train after they generate the spirit of enlightenment. Cultivate with effort for a long time. The four bases of Brahma — love, and so on. Thereby they clear away attachment and jealousy, and produce the spirit of enlightenment through the correct ritual.
(p88) 【如大覺窩云:「欲修令此生,應勵恆修習,慈等四梵住,應除貪及嫉,以儀軌正發。】


Once you have trained your mind in this way and have firm certainty about developing the spirit of enlightenment, take part in the ritual for adopting it.


The explanation of how to adopt the spirit of enlightenment through its ritual has three parts: 1 Attaining that which you have not attained
【此中分三。① 未得令得。】

(p89) 第一個,還沒得的使他得到。

2. Maintaining and not weakening you have attained.
【② 已得守護不壞。】


3. The method of repairing the spirit of enlightenment if you do weaken it.
【③ 設壞還出之方便。】


Attaining the spirit of enlightenment which you have not attained has three parts:
1. The person before whom you adopt the spirit of enlightenment
2. The persons who adopt the spirit of enlightenment
3. How to take part in the ritual of adopting the spirit of enlightenment
【初中分三,① 所受之境,② 能受之依,③ 如何受之軌則。】


Aside from saying in his 《Stages of the Activities of the Guru》that the person before whom you adopt the spirit of enlightenment should be "a master who is qualified," the Great Elder did not elucidate any further.
【◎ 覺窩於《尊長事次第》中僅云「具相阿闍黎」更未說明。】

阿底峽尊者在那個特別講明那個尊長,尊長就是師長,比如說我們現在和尚、阿闍黎啊!就是說,說明求阿闍黎、找阿闍黎的次第當中,關於發菩提心那件事情啊,只是說了 (p90) 這麼一句話:具相的這個阿闍黎,就是具足相的。什麼相?他那個沒有詳細說明。那麼其他的那些祖師們怎麼說呢?

Former teachers asserted that it was not sufficient for the person before whom you adopt the spirit of enlightenment just to have the aspirational spirit of enlightenment and to be maintaining its precepts, but he or she must have the vows of the engaged spirit of enlightenment. This accords with Jetari, who said, "After you have come before a teacher who has the bodhisattva vows.


The 《Ten Teaching Sūtra》 mentions within the context of generating the spirit of enlightenment after others have exhorted some persons to adopt it.


This is said in reference to persons being exhorted by others to adopt the spirit of enlightenment after have encouraged them and created in them a sense of disenchantment with cyclic existence. The sravakas do not perform the ritual.
(p91) 【是說由彼勸令厭離而受發心,非說聲聞為作儀軌。】



The persons who adopt the spirit of enlightenment. In general, as Jetari said, the persons who adopt the spirit of enlightenment are "sons or daughters of good lineage who are sound in body and mind."
【◎ 能受之依者。總如勝敵論師說。「若善男子或善女人,具足圓滿身及意樂。」】


本身是有無比的功德,但是不是說任何人可以去做的。 這個是就他的圓滿的身相,要想詳細了解,那麼就看下士道當中,這個異熟的八種功德,這個才是圓滿的。意樂呢,就是發的大菩提心。

p. 231 (9)

Thus all deities, magas, etc., who are mentally and physically fit for arousing the aspirational spirit of enlightenment are suitable persons for adopting the spirit of enlightenment.

不但是這個人世間的,天、龍,龍也可以啊!所以上面告訴我們,只要你修行正見沒有壞的話,欸,不怕,不怕!就是這個道理。尤其是學大乘的行者,尤其是學大乘的行者,因為他並不是急著馬上急求了脫的。他發現在那個生死當中有這麼多的大好處,所以他全部的精神,一心不是急求了脫,而是要圓滿無上菩提。那麼這剛開始的時候,他的重點一定是擺在這個中心教授上面,有了這個根本因,再求圓滿因,那個時候難免有的 (p94) 時候,有點不大小心的地方。但這個並不是,絕對不是說:「唉呀!我只要正見就行了,其他的馬馬虎虎!」你有這個念頭,注定墮落,這個本身就是最大的大邪見,這個本身就是最大的大邪見!就是你要戰戰兢兢,全部精神貫注在這個地方,在這種情況之下,有還有注意不到的地方,因為我們初機修行。這個要辨別得很清楚哦!你自己檢查是最清楚不過,騙人容易,這個騙自己不好騙,騙因果更是絕不可能!這一點我們在這個地方特別注意。那麼這種人都可以發願,一切皆可為此之依。

Nevertheless, as the Commentary on the 《Difficult Points of the "Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment"》 says at this point, "They [the persons who adopt the spirit of enlightenment] are disgusted with cyclic existence, mindful of death, and have great wisdom and compassion." So the persons who adopt the spirit of enlightenment have trained their minds in the stages of the path explained earlier and have thereby gained some transformative experience with respect to the spirit of enlightenment.

《道炬釋論》,這個解釋那個《道炬論》上告訴我們,一定是什麼呀?第一個厭離生死喔!喏,次第很明白。第一個一定是對於三有產生大厭離,然後呢又念到無常迅速;進而由於自己了解三有之苦,再推己及人哪,然後把這個厭離心,再幫助別人求得到解脫,那個時候才是真正有智慧的人。然後呢,有智慧來了解走那個大乘路線,那個時候曉得走大乘路線,就要從大慈悲策發大菩提心。不管由大悲而轉發大智,或者由於智慧而策發悲心,這是一樣的,結果是一樣的,這必須要的條件。是說,你照著前面這個必然的次 (p95) 第,已經修行,那麼那個時候,對這個大菩提心啊,已經「略為轉變意者」。這個話很有意思,不是說你僅僅懂得了一個道理就算了,懂得了個道理,書本一闔也就沒有了。乃至於就是聽的時候也聽得迷迷糊糊,只是覺得:喔唷!這個菩薩戒有好處哦!你就受菩薩戒啊!嗯,只是種點善根,就這樣。是說你了解了個道理,一心一意去修行,修行了以後,由心裡邊相應的心生起來了,那個時候就可以了。那個受的是願心,不是行心哦!願心跟行心的差別,下面會告訴我們。