廣論頁/行: P244L5~P245L6

手抄頁/行: #13 P277LL4~#14 P8LL3

音檔起訖:   104B_2142~105A_1106


The 《Commentary on the Difficult Points of the "Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment"》 says of these precepts of the spirit of enlightenment that there are the different systems of King Indrabhuti, Nagarjuna, Asanga, Aryasura Santideva, Candragomin, Santaraksita, etc.
【◎ 如是於此發心學處,《道炬論釋》別說,因陀羅補底,龍猛、無著、勇識、寂天、大德月、靜命等派各有差別。】

這個上面說的發心學處,只是行心的學處是共同的,那就是我們《瑜伽》戒,我們這裡盛行的是《梵網》戒,不管哪一個,這個是行心的學處。那麼這個現在上面講的,是願 (p278) 心的學處。這個願心的學處啊,有各宗各派不同的說明。下面這幾個就是不同的傳承:因陀羅補底、龍猛、無著、勇識、寂天……這些,各派它有不同的,有不同的。有的呢,

It says that some assert that the precepts of the spirit of enlightenment are "all the precepts for both the initial generation of the spirit of enlightenment and for engaging in the bodhisattva deeds." Others, it says, assert that "you have to observe every precept stated in the while still others say that they are "all precepts for a person on the path of accumulation." Some do not assert that they are "a specific training like this or that," and yet others state that "in addition to the precepts of refuge you serve the eight practices of not abandoning the intention to take up the four light practices and forgetting the intention that leads to the four dark practices." The Commentary explains, "My guru said that since the systems of these masters are each based on Sūtra, you should uphold whatever system your guru gives you.’


It claims that all of these are the meaning of the Sūtras.

(p279) 就是這樣,《道炬論》上面,就是阿底峽尊者說得很清楚,喏,說:「這個是我師長的傳承。」換句話說,阿底峽尊者承認、接受,這個都是經論上面的意義。這一段話,宗喀巴大師並沒有特別地明辨,換句話說,這兩位所謂堪為後世定量的大菩薩、大祖師都這麼說明。是的,我現在所了解的、我所接受的,凡是有完整傳承的都這樣說。有的時候是,這個人那樣說,這個人這樣說,那麼你就說:「只要你這個圓滿的師承正確地告訴你這樣,你就照著去做,就對了,就對了!」這最重要的!

In general, the great teachers of the lineage descended from Geshe Drom-don-ba do not recognize this 《Commentary on the Difficult Points of the "Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment"》 to be a commentary by the Great Elder, but the lineages from Nag-tso accept this as the Great Elder's composition and also accept it as a teaching hidden by Nag-tso.

上面這個解釋是哪來的呢?他又說那個傳承,這個是敦巴尊者所傳的,敦巴尊者是什麼呢?是阿底峽尊者。但是啊,大家說這個不是阿底峽尊者自己造的,他們把那個傳承說得清清楚楚。這個裡邊為什麼要這樣呢?因為這一個概念有兩個不同的說法:有一部分呢,說這是善知識種敦巴尊者所傳下來的,當然他還是引那個阿底峽尊者的說;另外還有個拏錯─拏錯也是阿底峽尊者的一個弟子,就是迎請阿底峽尊者入藏的那個拏錯大譯 (p280) 師,他們都是最主要的阿底峽尊者的主要的弟子─他是說這個是阿底峽尊者造的,造了以後只是秘傳給拏錯。

Still, it was well known to earlier scholars that Atisha composed a short commentary while in Burang. It is said that when he thereafter arrived in Samye, a translator asked him if he could add to it, and the translator subsequently expanded it. Therefore the Great Elder did compose a short commentary. This is supplemented by a number of explanations which are based on various gurus’sayings. There are some obvious mistakes,


and there are also many good explanations of the meaning of the scriptures.

它真正重要的地方,那是說得對的,說得對的!啊!我看到這地方,我真是覺得啊,他們前輩的這個學法,那實在是一點地方都不遺漏,一點地方都不馬虎。像我們現在都是學的叫所謂「差不多先生」,差得十萬八千里也就是差不多,隨便聽見一點點,就這麼也 (p281) 是就這麼來了。碰見、看見一點樣子就拿著這樣就來了,那這個是為什麼我們學不好的道理。這個是我們從這個地方要切切要注意的一個地方,現在繼續下去。

So I have cited it in this Stages of the Path (Lamrim) and elsewhere in explanation of the points on which it is not mistaken. 【諸無謬者,我於餘處及道次第中亦多引述。】


The aforementioned precepts of this 《Commentary on the Difficult Points of the "Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment"》 are not reliable. The statement that the precepts of the spirit of enlightenment are "all the precepts for both the initial generation of the spirit of enlightenment and for engaging in the bodhisattva deeds" is wrong, because if you take the precepts of the "generation of the spirit of enlightenment" to be the precepts for the engaged spirit of enlightenment, it cannot possibly be sufficient for them to be just avoiding the four dark practices and taking up the four light practices in addition to the precepts of refuge.
【此說學處多不可信,若以發心是為行心,其學處者則於歸依學處之上,僅加取捨白黑八法,定非完足故不應理。 】



了解了上面所說的,我們必定要分辨得清楚,行心是什麼、願心是什麼,這第一個。 (p5) 第二個呢,這個行心裡邊差別比較少,實際上呢換句話說,就是行心他還是……行心有很明確的根據的,譬如說瑜伽戒就是《瑜伽戒本》,梵網戒就是《梵網戒本》,只是各家註解的時候,這個鬆緊開合稍微有不同;這個願心就差很多了。那麼在這個地方,大師加以辨別,除了辨別以外也特別說明一點,這個就是你的師承哪來的,你就根據那個師承去學,這樣總是沒有錯,總是沒有錯。


不但是在當年印度,依我們中國南山道宣律祖來說,他十世為高僧,最後那一世就是唐朝的道宣律祖,然後呢他因為持戒精嚴感得那個天人下來。那個天人都很長壽,親自看見佛在世的時候制戒的這種,他都了解,所以稍微一點錯誤,那天人就告訴他這裡要怎麼 (p6) 修改,哪個地方對的,那很明白。所以我們這一點注意啊!我們要一直常常提醒自己,這個常常不是說今天提一提、明天提一點,要恆常。哪一個東西來提醒呢?就是我們在長夜無明當中,所以你不作意對治的話,這個毛病自然而然就出來了,而且不知不覺出來了,這一點我們要特別注意的,要特別注意的!現在我們繼續看這個文‥

All the aforementioned precepts (except for the two precepts on the light and dark practices, which follow the Kasyapa Chapter) follow the 《Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment》 and the 《Ritual Procedures for the Spirit of Enlightenment and the Bodhisattva Vows》.


There is a statement that says to train in the precepts in the Seven Dharmas,


but since it says, "One who wants to quickly attain the superkhowledges should observe the precepts," these precepts are not specific to the spirit of enlightenment, so I have not written about them here.


Thus, my own position is that, with the exception of the precepts not to relinquish the aspirational spirit of enlightenment and not to mentally abandon living beings, breaking the precepts does not constitute a transgression relative to the spirit of enlightenment until you receive the bodhisattva vows.
(p7) 【如是自宗除捨願心,心捨有情犯餘學處,乃至未具菩薩律儀,無依菩薩之罪犯。】


Nevertheless, if you break the precepts, you break the precept that comes with your commitment to virtue in the interim before you take the bodhisattva vows; you therefore commit a misdeed, and you should make a confession with the four powers.


After you receive the bodhisattva vows, breaking these precepts is a transgression that now breaks the precepts which come with these vows. Since it is a transgression, it is sufficient that you repair it in the manner in which you have been instructed, a procedure that is included in the precepts for the engaged spirit of enlightenment, and not anywhere else.

(p8) 當你進一步有了願心以後再受行心,那個時候開始呀說得了菩薩戒了,律儀就是。那個時候如果你毀犯了這個菩薩戒的話,那就要照著這個《菩薩戒論》上面告訴我們的還出的方便。這個時候啊不但是四力懺悔,還要一定有儀軌的,譬如我們現在僧團也是一樣,半月半月誦戒羯磨,那個時候還要如法懺悔,懺制戒之罪。還要四力懺悔,懺那個「性」,所以性罪、遮罪是要各別如法懺悔,你只要照著這個去做就可以了。所以關於這一部分是在行心學處當中,行心學處就是菩薩戒,不是另外有別的,這個我們要分別得清楚。

However, generating the spirit of enlightenment six times a day is the one precept specific to the aspirational spirit of enlightenment.
