廣論頁/行: P257L1~P258L2

手抄頁/行: #14 P160L11~P167LL2

音檔起訖:   109B_0632~109B_1849


The explanation of the process of learning the precepts has two parts:


1. How to train in the Mahayana in general.
2. How to train specifically in the Vajrayāna.
【① 於總大乘道學習道理,② 特於金剛乘學習道理。】

(p161) 現在這個大乘一共分成功兩個:一個是普通的顯教,一個是密教;那麼現在呢先講這個大乘道。所以究實說來,本論哪,那金剛乘根本沒談到,厚厚的好幾百頁,後面真正講金剛乘的,幾句話,就是說,啊,你那個基礎有了,如果你願意學什麼的話,那是決定要走這個特別的路子,這個才是真正牽涉到。現在前面告訴我們完完全全都是大乘的根本,而這個大乘是從什麼?我們下腳第一步─下士開始,這是眼前增上生。所以不管你求世間的好處也好,求往生也好,求自己解脫也好,禪、淨、律、密沒有一個例外,它這個主要的根本觀念,基礎都在這裡。那麼現在這地方講大乘,這地方分三部分:

The explanation of how to train in the Mahayana in general has three sections:
1. Establishing the desire to learn the precepts of the spirit of enlightenment
2. Taking the vows of the conquerors' children after establishing the desire to learn the precepts
【初中分三,① 淨修欲學菩薩學處,② 修已受取佛子律儀,】


3. How to train after taking the vows
【③ 受已如何學習道理。今初】


In the discipline of individual liberation and in tantra it is inappropriate to study the precepts before you have first taken the vows,
【◎ 律咒二中,若先未受各各律儀,不可聽聞所有學處。】

(p162) 說基本的「律」,律就是別解脫比丘戒啊,「咒」就是密乘,密乘。這個兩個它都有戒,這個兩部的戒你沒有受的話,比如不受比丘戒,對不起,比丘戒不能聽、不能學;然後呢沒有受密宗的灌頂,是密宗的戒不能聽。現在這裡的菩薩戒不同。

but these bodhisattva vows are different. First you understand the precepts well and then, after you are trained in them,


if you have an enthusiasm for taking them,


you are given the vows.

那個時候才給我們菩薩戒。於正規的受菩薩戒啊,不是說:啊,大家出了家了,好像一起受一下。真正的這個地方規矩不是那樣的,它一定要有了正確的認識。所以以前比如出了家沙彌,先要學,然後呢學了解了,然後呢再去受比丘戒,比丘戒然後呢有了根本再 (p163) 菩薩戒,這麼一層一層來的。

In this regard the 《Bodhisattva Levels》 says: For persons wanting to take the ethical discipline vows of a bodhisattva you should make known in advance the fundamental precepts


and the sources of fault for bodhisattvas taught here in the "Summary of the Bodhisattva Fundamentals" for the bodhisattvas' scriptural collection of the discourses. If after sincere investigation and intelligent analysis these persons are inspired, and if it is not because of being made to do it by someone else and it is not to compete with others, then know that these are reliable bodhisattvas. These persons should be given the vows of ethical discipline and should receive them in accord with the ritual.

那麼這個菩薩法藏裡邊哪,說的菩薩學處,什麼是該學,什麼是不該,不該的就是犯了。那麼自己學了,以智慧去觀察,觀察了思惟抉擇,然後到「至心愛樂」,覺得:啊,好啊!我一定要去學。那一個心情,不是別人說。現在有人說:「哎喲,這個菩薩戒很有功德喔!」啊,這樣勸勸嘛,大家就說:「啊,沒關係啦,這個無所謂啦,去受啦!」你也就去受去了,太多這種狀態。再不然呢,還有就是說「非為勝他」。乃至於現在還有人這麼說咧,喔唷,說:「那個白衣啊,你要出去做一點什麼佛法的事情,不受菩薩戒不可以啊!」說為了這個而去受菩薩戒。當然你要學菩薩非要學菩薩戒,那是對的。如果是其他的理由而去做的話,那個有問題,這個我們要了解的。但是呢,對種種子結緣來說都 (p164) 好,所以我們總是讚歎。但是你如果自己如法地去做的話,這樣的自己正確的認識,至心好樂這樣的叫作「堅固菩薩」,對的,這樣才不失壞。那麼這一種人真正可以受菩薩的淨戒律儀,如法去受戒。那麼然後呢,老師也應該去這樣地如法地告訴他,這樣的人也應該學。

This is a very good method because, if you understand the precepts, bring them to mind,


establish a wish to train in them from the depths of your heart, and then take the vows, you will be extremely constant.


To explain the precepts both here and below would make for too great a burden of words, so I shall indicate them below.

(p165) 後面還要講,所以這裡不講了。那麼這是說淨修菩薩學處。

2 Taking the vows of the conquerors' children after establishing the desire to learn the precepts: I have already established in detail in my Basic Path to Awakening commentary on the Bodhisattva Levels' chapter on ethical discipline first how to take the bodhisattva vows, immediately after that how to guard against fundamental transgressions and transgressions which constitute minor infractions, and then how to repair vows if they degenerate. It is most definitely necessary that you read this before you take the vows, so understand them from there.
【◎ 第二者初當如何正受道理,受已無間於根本罪及惡作罪防護道理,設有毀犯還出道理,戒品釋中已廣決擇。未受律儀定須先閱,如彼當知。】


How to train after taking the vows has three parts:
1. What the precepts are based upon?
2. How all the precepts are included in the six perfections?
3. The process of learning the perfections.
【第三分三,① 何所學處,② 其中能攝諸學道理,③ 於此如何學習次第。今初】


What the precepts are based upon? There are limitless clear categorizations, but if you arrange the bodhisattva precepts by type, you can include them all within the six perfections. The six perfections are thus the great condensation of all the key points of the bodhisattva path. The four ways to gather disciples [generosity, pleasant speech, working at the aims, and consistency of behavior] are also included within these six perfections as follows.
(p166) 【◎ 若廣差別雖無邊際,隨類略攝,於六度中盡攝菩薩諸應學處,故六度者攝菩薩道一切扼要大嗢柁南。四攝亦即攝於其中。】


That generosity is included is obvious.


Pleasant speech is giving instructions to disciples, taking the six perfections as the point of departure;


working at the aims is establishing others in the aims of these instructions; and consistency of behavior is practicing just as the disciple does.


p. 258

Although it is true that the entire bodhisattva path is also subsumed under other condensations such as the two collections, the three trainings [ethical discipline, meditative concentration, and wisdom], and so forth,
(p167) 【又二資糧及三學等,亦攝菩薩一切正道。】


these are not able to produce the understanding that the six perfections do,


so the six perfections are the best inclusive set.
