
日期:           2019/09/22 (複習)

廣論頁/行: P130L4~P131L3

手抄頁/行: #7 冊 P227L4~P232LL4

音檔起訖:   55A_0702~55A_1704

 2019  09月


Sexual misconduct that is weighty due to its basis is sleeping with those whom you should not have intercourse with—your mother, those who are her relatives, the wives of men who are close friends, nuns, probationary nuns, or female novices. In terms of an inappropriate body part, sexual misconduct that is weighty due to its basis is oral intercourse. In terms of improper time, it is intercourse with one observing a one-day vow, a pregnant woman at the end of term, or one who is ill. In terms of an inappropriate place, it is intercourse in the vicinity of a stupa or within the compound of the community.
Lying that is weighty due to its basis is, through desiring to delude and deceive, telling lies with many purposes; telling lies to those who have helped you—from parents through the buddhas, to good persons, and to friends; and telling a lie that gives rise to one or more of the three weighty actions—killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct. Telling a lie in order to split apart the community is the weightiest among all of these.

前面其他的比較容易,最後一點啊,「為破僧故而說妄語」,一切中這個是最重。真正破僧,現在我們也說實在的,不大……做不到,只有佛世的時候有。可是破僧的因,我們很容易犯,這一點要特別注意。我們在這個團體當中,一點小小的不好,大家說那種離間語,萬萬不可以。所以我剛出家的時候,我的老師就告訴我,說「不會說話的兩頭搬」,搬弄是非的搬,「會說話的兩頭瞞」,我一直到現在受用不盡,一直到現在受用不盡!難免地,人家有的時候,碰見事情啊有點不大痛快,然後我們往往願意做人情,「對 (p228) 啊!你對啊、你對啊!」你不要去說他對,你說他對,他覺得對的,火上加油。你倒是同情他,你是害了他,也害了你自己。那時候應該怎麼辦呢?碰見這種情況的時候,如果你有這種機會的話,你不妨說:「其實他對方倒無心的,我了解,他做過了事情以後,我跟他談起來,他還覺得滿對你抱歉的。」如果你背後這麼一說,他心裡面這個也就慢慢地舒解,對不對?所以你無形當中就做了好事了,所以記到,說「不會說話的兩頭搬,會說話的兩頭瞞。」如果說為了你自己的利益要去這樣說的話,那是更可怕,更可怕!

除了這個以外,還有往往我們為了自己的利益,然後呢,往往談佛法上面,說這個不對,這個對。所以說這個對不對,是為什麼?為你這樣。譬如說輪到我去做廚房,或者看見別人做廚房,欸!配我的胃口,然後他說種種理由,要這樣、要那樣;然後這個人要那樣、要這樣,然後呢這個團體起了個衝突了。這雖然眼前是一點小小的,可是使得這個……凡是你為了不管什麼理由,使得這個大家共同和合而不和合的話,你的破僧的因就在這個地方,這個是最嚴重的妄語跟離間了。我們現在修學佛法,一開口就在那地方,出毛病就在這裡啊,千真萬確!所以在這我這裡特別強調,不准大家隨便說閒話,說來說去,沒有別的,還是保護大家,你們千萬要注意!這一點是千萬注意,千萬注意!我們要想爬上去是千辛萬苦,要想墮落是容易極了,因為無始以來的習氣,你隨便坐在那裡兩三句話 (p229) 一提,你不知不覺當中造了大罪惡了。

Divisive speech that is weighty due to its basis is speech that splits apart those who have been friends for a long time, teachers, parents, parents and their children, or the community; and divisive speech that gives rise to weighty actions—the three physical actions.


Offensive speech that is weighty due to its basis is speaking offensive words to parents and the like, or to someone like a guru;


speaking offensive words with untrue and inaccurate lies; and directly scolding, criticizing, or reproaching. Senseless speech that is weighty due to its basis is as follows. The weight of the senseless speech of the three other nonvirtuous vocal actions—lying, and so forth—is as above. Other actions of senseless speech that are weighty due to their bases include senseless words based on fighting, faultfinding, disputes, and divisions; such activities as reading the treatises of non-Buddhists with an attitude of attachment; and ridiculing, taunting, or speaking inappropriately toward parents, kinspeople, and someone like a guru.
(p230) 【若以非真非實妄語說粗惡語,現前毀罵,訶責於他。由其事故重綺語者,妄語等三,所有綺語,輕重如前。若諸依於鬥訟諍競所有綺語,若以染心,於外典籍,而讀誦等。若於父母親屬尊重,調弄輕笑,現作語言,不近道理。】


Covetousness that is weighty due to its basis includes desiring the offerings made to the community and stupas; and with arrogance about your own good qualities, desiring to receive, from kings and the like or from learned religious companions, profit and services for your knowledge.


p. 131

Malice that is weighty due to its basis includes malice directed toward parents, kinspeople, gurus, those without fault, the poor, the suffering, the pitiful, and those who have done something wrong to you but confess this to you from the depths of their hearts.
【由其事故重瞋恚者,謂於父母親屬尊長,無過貧苦諸可哀愍,諸誠心悔所作過者, (p231) 起損害心。】


Wrong views that are weighty due to their bases are the rejection of all the fundamental religious tenets (this is weightier even than other wrong views)


and also the view that in the world there are neither arhats, those who have reached reality, nor those who have entered reality. Understand wrong views that are the opposite of these to be light.

跟上面相反的,那個就是輕的,這是我們應該了解的。那麼上面說重的,關於這個輕重的相,你們要好好地自己的細細地觀察一下,自己的思惟一下。平常我們修學佛法啊,剛開始第一步真正要注意的就是這個地方,往往一點點很小的,小的這個善惡,就得到無比地大的果報。尤其是我們現在修學佛法的人,尤其是近事或者居士,乃至於出家的同修們,這一點千真萬確,千真萬確!這件衣服,真是被上的是大幸、大幸,有絕大的功德!但是你弄得不對了,一被了這件衣服,造起罪來是可怕,也是不得了地可怕,不得了地 (p232) 可怕!所以佛經上面一直跟我們說:白衣人,白衣啊下地獄還不大容易咧,但是出家人的話,啊,那容易得不得了!當然反過來說,作功德的話,也是一樣,這個原因我們要注意。我們現在一天到晚,自己也被了,周圍的人都是這個,不是佛寶,就是法寶,就是僧寶。我想我們今天就講到這個地方。
