
日期:           2019/02/06

廣論頁/行: P105L9~P106L3
手抄頁/行: #6 冊 P171L10~P179L2

音檔起訖:   45B_2526~46A_0400

 2019  02月


The distinctions between the Buddhist and non-Buddhist teachers, etc. are as follows:
【◎ 此二所有差別之中,】


The distinction of the teacher. The Buddha is without fault and has perfected good qualities, but the teachers of other religions are the opposite of this. 

這兩者有什麼不同呀?說這個老師,就人來說,佛是圓滿的,所有無量無邊的功德; (p172) 所有其他的所有的「大師」—是,還是稱他為大師,但是跟他相違,跟他不一樣。所以「相違」兩個字,這個很大的學問哦!相違是違背,換句話說,這兩個是敵體完全相反的。假定說,我前面曾經說過,我們往往在很多情況之下,留一個漏洞留在這裡,那麼結果留了一個漏洞,對不起,到那個時候,這個漏洞你就沒辦法補得滿它。他現在跟他相違,那換句話說—明、暗,這個裡邊,再沒有說半明半暗,什麼叫半明半暗?沒有這樣的事情,看得見就是明,看不見就是暗,就是這樣。所以所有的大師跟他相違的。

Udbhatasiddhasvamin's 《Praise of the Exalted One》 says: Having forsaken other teachers, I go to you for refuge, O Bhagavan. If someone should ask why, it is because You have no faults and possess [all] good qualities. 


And also: The more I reflect on Other, non-Buddhist, traditions, The greater becomes My faith, O Protector. Their minds are ruined by the faults of tenets Devised by those who are not omniscient. Those whose minds are ruined cannot even see you, faultless Teacher. 

除了佛以外,所餘的剩下來所有的一切的外道,以及他外教,你如果說真正地善巧地思惟的話,那個時候我就會找到一個結論:一定只有皈依。皈依什麼?這個該皈依、應皈 (p173) 依、可皈依之處—佛欸!其他的人所以不皈依,為什麼呀?「非徧智」,他不是徹底圓滿了解一切,解決一切的一切智者,那麼這種人,這種是外道。他外道這種宗旨,他那個宗旨就是教法,它是有過失的。有了這個過失,有這個過失,然後不圓滿;由於這不圓滿,染污;因為染污了,害了!所以「壞其心」。他心一被染污的話,就見不到正確圓滿的這個佛。所以那些外道跟佛唱對臺戲,我了解,我不皈依他,就是這樣。這個就是這個皈依的對象當中—人,佛跟外道的差別。下面呢,

The distinction of the teaching: 


The Conqueror's teaching allows you to attain its goal of bliss through a joyful path. It stops the stream of cyclic existence, clears away the afflictions, does not mislead 



those who desire liberation, is completely virtuous, and clears away faults. 


The 《Praise of the Exalted One》: Your teaching causes one to attain Bliss through the joyful; Therefore, O Lion of Speakers, Intelligent beings have faith in your tradition. 【如《殊勝讚》云:「何故由尊教,安樂得安樂,故於說法獅,尊教此眾生。」】


p. 106

And the 《Praise in Honor of One Worthy of Honor》 also says: The difference between your words, O'Hero, And the words of others is That the former should be adopted, and the latter rejected; The former purifies and the latter defiles. 
(p178) 【《讚應讚》亦云:「謂應趣應遮,清淨及雜染,此是雄尊語,與餘言差別。】


The former is strictly reality, The latter only misleading teachings— What other difference do you need Between your words and those of others? 


The former is purely virtuous; The latter only creates obstacles— What greater difference could there be Between your words and those of others? The former purifies; The latter defiles and stains— This is the difference, O Protector, between your words and those of others, 


Through this citation you can also understand the distinction of the community. 
(p179) 【僧伽差別由此能知。】
