The distinctions between the Buddhist and non-Buddhist teachers,
etc. are as follows: 說這個兩個,人跟法兩個有什麼不同呢? The distinction of the teacher. The Buddha is without fault and has
perfected good qualities, but the teachers of other religions are the
opposite of
this. 這兩者有什麼不同呀?說這個老師,就人來說,佛是圓滿的,所有無量無邊的功德; (p172) 所有其他的所有的「大師」—是,還是稱他為大師,但是跟他相違,跟他不一樣。所以「相違」兩個字,這個很大的學問哦!相違是違背,換句話說,這兩個是敵體完全相反的。假定說,我前面曾經說過,我們往往在很多情況之下,留一個漏洞留在這裡,那麼結果留了一個漏洞,對不起,到那個時候,這個漏洞你就沒辦法補得滿它。他現在跟他相違,那換句話說—明、暗,這個裡邊,再沒有說半明半暗,什麼叫半明半暗?沒有這樣的事情,看得見就是明,看不見就是暗,就是這樣。所以所有的大師跟他相違的。 Udbhatasiddhasvamin's 《Praise of the Exalted One》 says: Having
forsaken other teachers, I go to you for refuge, O Bhagavan. If someone
should ask why, it is because You have no faults and possess [all] good
qualities. 我捨棄了所餘其他的一切的大師,一切的這所謂世間尊仰的人,而皈依世尊、皈依佛。為什麼呀?喏,只有佛是沒有一點過失的,只有佛是圓滿一切功德的,這個就是他的不同的地方。 And also: The more I reflect on Other, non-Buddhist, traditions,
The greater becomes My faith, O Protector. Their minds are ruined by the
faults of tenets Devised by those who are not omniscient. Those whose
minds are ruined cannot even see you, faultless
Teacher. 除了佛以外,所餘的剩下來所有的一切的外道,以及他外教,你如果說真正地善巧地思惟的話,那個時候我就會找到一個結論:一定只有皈依。皈依什麼?這個該皈依、應皈 (p173) 依、可皈依之處—佛欸!其他的人所以不皈依,為什麼呀?「非徧智」,他不是徹底圓滿了解一切,解決一切的一切智者,那麼這種人,這種是外道。他外道這種宗旨,他那個宗旨就是教法,它是有過失的。有了這個過失,有這個過失,然後不圓滿;由於這不圓滿,染污;因為染污了,害了!所以「壞其心」。他心一被染污的話,就見不到正確圓滿的這個佛。所以那些外道跟佛唱對臺戲,我了解,我不皈依他,就是這樣。這個就是這個皈依的對象當中—人,佛跟外道的差別。下面呢, The distinction of the
teaching: 他們所說的教法呢? The Conqueror's teaching allows you to attain its goal of bliss
through a joyful path. It stops the stream of cyclic existence, clears
away the afflictions, does not
mislead 教法呢,是佛告訴我們的圓滿的教法,它這個是正確的道路,安樂穩健;因為這個道是這樣的,所以得到那個果,也是安樂之果。這個安樂之果有什麼?嘿!能夠息生死之流。 這個生死有深有淺,淺的就是二乘的,深的就是大乘的。那麼把一切煩惱徹底地淨化,絕對沒有一點點錯誤。所以, those who desire liberation, is completely virtuous, and clears
away faults. 真正好樂解脫的,唯一的善巧微妙,這個法能夠清淨一切罪惡。外道所講的教法不一樣,跟它相違背,辦不到這一點,這個是兩者的差別。然後呢引證, The 《Praise of the Exalted One》: Your teaching causes one to attain Bliss through the joyful; Therefore, O Lion of Speakers, Intelligent beings have faith in your tradition. 【如《殊勝讚》云:「何故由尊教,安樂得安樂,故於說法獅,尊教此眾生。」】 為什麼要找這個呀?為什麼要皈依世尊的教法?因為他有前面說的「由安樂道得安樂故」。所以對說法師所講的這個教法—皈依,那麼照著這個,能夠幫助一切眾生解決問題。 p. 106 And the 《Praise in Honor of One Worthy of Honor》 also says: The
difference between your words, O'Hero, And the words of others is That the
former should be adopted, and the latter rejected; The former purifies and
the latter defiles. 那麼下面又說,這個佛所講的:清淨的應趣,雜染的應遮,「趣」就是我們應該照著去做的,雜染,應該遮止不做的。那個如理相應的這一種應趣應遮,正是我們的世雄世尊所說的,其他的世間的所餘大師跟他相違,這個是兩者的差別。 The former is strictly reality, The latter only misleading
teachings— What other difference do you need Between your words and those
of others? 那麼這一個,就是世尊所說的教法,「純顯真如」,完完全全一點都不錯地顯出真如,真如就是實相,正確無誤的。「彼」,彼就是外道,他們這個錯誤的,欺誑法。這個就是世尊跟其他外道教法的差別,除了這個以外,沒有什麼其他的,真正的差別就這裡。 The former is purely virtuous; The latter only creates obstacles—
What greater difference could there be Between your words and those of
others? The former purifies; The latter defiles and stains— This is the
difference, O Protector, between your words and those of
others, 這個很容易懂。所以佛法完全是妙善的,其他的因為染污,所以是障礙的,那麼兩者的差別就在這裡。他們那些東西因為染污的,是染污的輾轉地增上;這個佛呢是清淨的,是輾轉地超勝,兩者的差別就是這麼一點。 Through this citation you can also understand the distinction of
the community. 那麼同樣的。當然佛、法如此,僧就是依法而行的,這就對了。下面, |