
日期:           2019/05/10  (複習)

廣論頁/行: P109L5~P110L1

手抄頁/行: #6 冊 P232LL1~P239L1

音檔起訖:   47B_1128~47B_2054

 2019  05月


2 The general precepts. 
There are six general precepts: 
1. By recalling the distinctions and good qualities of the three jewels, go for refuge again and again 
2. By recalling the great kindness of the three jewels, strive to worship them constantly and offer the first portion of your food and drink 
3. Establish other living beings in this practice by considering them with compassion
4. Whatever activity you engage in, and whatever your purpose, make offerings and supplications to the three jewels. forsaking anv other world.lv methods 
5. After you have understood the benefits, go for refuge three times in the day and three times at night 
6. Maintain your refuge and do not forsake the three jewels, even in jest or if it costs you your life 

1. By recalling the distinctions and good qualities of the three jewels, go for refuge again and again. 
【◎ 共學分六,初者隨念三寶功德差別,數數歸依者。】

(p233) 這個共學分成上面,隨念三寶的功德,那三寶整個的。那麼然後呢,因為你念的這個的功德的話,就心裡面自然而然地「數數皈依」。

As previously explained, you should repeatedly keep in mind the differences between non-Buddhists and Buddhists, the distinctions among the three jewels, and the good qualities of the three jewels. 


2. By recalling the great kindness of the three jewels, strive to worship them constantly 
【◎ 第二隨念大恩恆勤供養,】


and offer the first portion of your food and drink. 
(p234) 【嚼噉之先亦當供養者。】


The 《King of Concentrations Sūtra》: Though they obtain food due to the buddhas' merit, The childish do not repay their kindness. 


Thus, knowing that all the temporary happiness and certain goodness that you experience, symbolized by food, are due to the kindness of the three jewels, 


you should make offerings with the intention of repaying their kindness. (p235) 【由報恩德意樂供養,】


With regard to offerings, there are (1) the actions of offering and (2) the attitudes. The first of these include the following ten types: 


1) Offerings to the Buddha's body means offerings to the actual Buddha's embodiment as form. 
2) Offerings to stupas means offerings to stupas and the like for the sake of the Buddha. 


3) Offerings to a perceived object means offerings to the abovementioned two as they are manifest to your own sensory faculties. 

(p236) 就是這前面東西,或者佛的色身,或者在塔廟當中。

4) Offerings to a nonperceived object refers to offerings made to a buddha or his stupas that are not actually present, and made for the sake of all buddhas and stupas. 


Offerings made for the sake of the Buddha to one or more images and stupas after his nirvana are also considered offerings to a nonperceived object. 


When you make offerings to either an unperceived buddha or his unperceived stupas, you are also making offerings to both of the perceived objects, for the reality or emptiness of one of them is the reality of all of them. It is standard to make offerings, both to perceived and to nonperceived objects, with the thought, "I make offerings to all the buddhas of the three times and to the stupas of the ten directions of the limitless universe." 




It is said that making offerings to a percieved object produces a vast store of merit and making offerings to an unperceived object a greater store; making offerings to all the buddhas and stupas produces a store far more vast than that. 
(p237) 【論說初者,獲廣大福,第二較前獲大大福,等三較前獲最大福,】



Thus, it is important that when you make offerings to a single buddha or his image, and the like, you recollect the indivisibility of reality and project the thought that you are making offerings to all of them. 
(p238) 【故於一佛,或佛像等,修供養時,應憶法性無所差別,先當遣意供養一切,極為切要。】


那麼說到這裡停一下,說來說去,總之這個道理,你一定要把所指的道理認識,這個道理所指的內涵是什麼,換句話說,指的就是我們的心裡的行相,看看我們的心裡行相是不是的的確確很恭敬。儘管我們眼前做不到說觀想的,像普賢菩薩,乃至於眼前觀想都觀想不出來,沒關係。可是你那個心裡面的確想:我在至誠恭敬地,我雖然看不見,佛就是看得見的。所以這個《止觀》上面告訴我們很清楚,那個《大乘止觀》上面也說,佛經上面也這麼說:就像瞎子一樣,在明眼人前面,這個瞎子雖然看不見明眼人,但是那個明眼人可以看得見。我們是看不見佛,佛看得見我們,你心念一動就看見了,鬼神都看得見。這一點我們了解以後,你自然而然去做的時候,啊!你心裡至誠恭敬地。你能夠這樣去做,慢慢、慢慢地,因為你做了,不斷不斷地練習,經過練習你就能力增長了。現在我們毛病就是,唉,現在不行啊!不行,停在那裡,永遠停在那裡。結果呢,停在那裡,你單 (p239) 單停在那裡,不退還好,那世間的染污卻是滾滾而來呀!這個是它要認識的地方。下面: