
日期:           2019/06/26

廣論頁/行: P116L3~P116LL4

手抄頁/行: #7 冊 P41L7~P45L9

音檔起訖:   50A_1055~50A_1725

 2019  06月


How contravening these precepts causes weakening and forsaking of your refuge is explained as follows. 
【◎ 若有違犯此諸學處,當成虧損及棄捨之理者。】


Some assert that if you violate six of the precepts 


the first three special precepts, 

(p42) 初三種就是皈依了佛,不應該皈依其餘的大師;以及皈依了法,要離於損惱心;皈依了僧,不可以與外道共住,就是這個道理。這個「共住」,前面已經說過了,我們要記得。除了這三樣東西以外,下面還有呢,

plus the precepts of constantly going for refuge, 


not forsaking refuge even for the sake of your life, 


and making offerings to the three jewels — you have given up your refuge. 


Others include the last three special precepts and assert that contravention of nine precepts constitutes forsaking refuge. 




Contravention of the remaining precepts weakens your refuge. 



那個地方告訴我們—宗喀巴大師:但是你假定說腦筋當中以這樣的想法、這樣的觀 (p43) 念,那麼這個就錯了。怎麼樣呢?說:

However, an actual forsaking of refuge means that you have contravened the precept not to forsake refuge even for the sake of your life. 


Similarly, even if you do not forsake the three jewels, if you follow both them and a teacher, teaching, and community that are contrary to them, you contravene the precept not to acknowledge other refuges. Since you are not fully entrusting yourself to the refuge, you have forsaken it. 


I think that if these two do not occur, other contraventions of the precepts are just contraventions, but not causes of forsaking refuge. 
(p44) 【若未犯此,僅違學處,非是捨因。】


This being the case, going for refuge is the main door to the Buddha's teaching. 
【◎ 是故歸依,是於佛教,能入大門。】


If you go for refuge in a way that transcends mere words, you are relying upon the highest power, 


you will not be defeated by outer and inner obstacles. 


Since good qualities develop easily and deteriorate with difficulty, they can only continue to increase. 
(p45) 【功德差別,易生難退,倍轉增長,】

所以皈依了以後,有皈依這個功德的差別:你皈依了以後,它生起功德很容易,而不會退轉,退轉也…… 不會退轉,就是退轉的話,它也少;現在我們功德不容易生起,退轉很容易。然後生起來以後呢?「倍轉增長」,加倍、加倍地很快地增長。

Therefore, it is extremely important, as previously explained, to uphold the refuges by means of fearing suffering, recalling the good qualities of the refuges, and so forth, and to make an effort not to transgress the precepts. 
