Thus, you should never quibble over the quality of
images, 所以對於佛像,絕對不可以說:「啊,這個、這個……。」絕不可以批評,絕不可以批評! despise others for using fine materials for images and the like or
for making them large, discourage their makers from finishing them, and
the like. 那麼同樣地,對於佛像,在任何情況之下不要批評。還有別人如果造的話,我們一樣的,反正不管任何理由。現在我們常常有一種情況,固然我們壞的不可以,好的—往往我們是壞的嘛固然要批評,好的還要批評。為什麼?他不是批評這個佛像,人與人之間的嫉妒!人家造了一個好的佛像,「這有什麼了不起!」你嫉妒是嫉妒這個人,結果呢對不起,你傷害了,傷害了自己。像這種地方,要特別注意!下面有一個典型的例子,就是祖師行持的榜樣,告訴我們該怎麼辦。 It is said that the great yogi [Chang-chup-rin-chen] once gave a
statue of Manjughosa to the Elder for him to examine. He asked, "How good
is this? If it is good, I will buy it with the four gold coins
Rong-ba-gar-gay-wa (Rong-pa-mgar-dge-ba) gave
me." 阿底峽尊者的這個侍者,就是大瑜伽師。人家有拿來一個文殊師利菩薩的聖像,那麼 (p220) 他就問他的老師說:「欸,這個像你看好不好啊?假定好的話,正好有一個人供了四錢的金子拿來買它。」尊者怎麼說? The Elder replied, "Venerable Manjughosa's body has no defects—the
sculptor is
middling," 喏!看見沒有?哦,這個文殊師利菩薩,「至尊」哪!文殊師利菩薩雖然示現的菩薩身,他早就成了佛了,他這個身體哪有不善的?絕對是無上的,無上的世尊哪!但是做這個工匠的技術,那是中等。說完了以後, and placed it on his head. 擺在頭頂上面,這是對我們最恭敬、最恭敬的方式,這樣。所以這個印度人當初的習慣,拿到了恭敬的三寶東西,他一定拿在頂上放一放。我現在也是,看見隨便一個什麼三寶的任何一樣東西,佛像固然是放在頂上,拿到了一個經本子放在頂上。所以我們現在捧經的時候,捧著高高的,不是隨便是拿了書,拎著這麼甩啊、甩啊,這個不可以,你拿得高高的,這樣。然後那個經本子,絕對不是說,睡覺的時候躺在那裡,丟在床上,絕不可以,放的地方,每一個地方都是這樣,這是我們應該注意的。所以 It is said that he did the same with respect to all finished
images. 這個對於佛寶。法寶同樣的,下面 The second prescriptive precept is never to show disrespect for
writings on the teachings, even those composed of as little as four words.
Further, you should not pawn volumes of scriptures, treat them as
merchandise, place them on the bare ground or in dishonorable places,
carry them together with shoes, walkover them, etc. Treat them with
respect, as though they were the teaching jewel
itself. 那麼關於法寶也是這樣,哪怕只有四句。他說的四句,實際上哪怕一個「佛」字,哪怕一個「法」字,哪怕一個「僧」字,任何情況之下,不要不恭敬,不要不恭敬。然後呢平常的時候,我們隨便處理任何事情,「等如法寶」,這個經卷等等。這個地方指諸有形的,實際上呢,我們對於無形的也應該如此。所以我跟大家說,對於這個平常的時候,這個講經說法千萬不要輕視,千萬不要輕視。這個千萬注意,心裡面總懷著一個很恭敬。你可以自己說:我現在正在忙我自己的,我也是跟法相應的,所以我可以不去;但是不要輕視,這個自己要分得很清楚,分得很清楚。 It is said that whenever Geshe Jen-nga-wa saw a scripture being
carried, he would stand up with his handsjoined together in front of him
in a gesture of respect. In later life, when he was unable to rise, he
would simply join his
hands. 在傳說當中,慬哦瓦—慬哦瓦就是敦巴尊者的三個心子之一—凡是看見任何人拿 (p222) 了經典走過來,他一看見馬上站起來,合個掌,這麼個恭敬法。以後老了,站不動了,但是還是一看見,就馬上恭敬合掌。 |