
日期:           2020/05/03 (複習)

廣論頁/行: P168L8~P169L6

手抄頁/行: #9 冊 P271LL2~P277L3

音檔起訖:   72B_0410~72B_1329

 2020  05月


Reflection on the suffering of the deities: This is explained with regard to (1) the deities of the desire realm and (2) the deities of the form and formless realms.
【思惟天苦分二。① 欲天三苦,② 上二界粗重苦。】


The sufferings of the desire realm deities are considered in three parts:
1. The sufferings of dying and falling
2. The sufferings of anxiety
3. The sufferings of being cut, gashed, killed, and banished

1. The sufferings of dying and falling has 2 parts:
(p272) 【◎ 初死墮苦中有二,】


(1) The suffering of dying: the 《Friendly Letter》: although the deities have great pleasure in heaven, the suffering of dying there is even greater than that. The wise who understand this cease to create attachments for the perishable heavens.


Deities derive pleasure from indulging their sensual desires, yet greater than this is the tremendous suffering they experience while dying, when they become aware of the five signs of death.

(p273) 就是說,在天享樂的時候,不知不覺當中過去掉了,等到你快死的時候,這五衰相,「五死相」現起的時候,那個痛苦的心情是不得了啊!

about which the same text says: their bodies turn an unattractive color, 【五死相者,即如彼云:「身色變為不可愛,】


Their cushions become uncomfortable,


Their flower garlands wilt, and their clothing smells; An unaccustomed sweat breaks out over their bodies.


The five signs that signal the deities in heaven, foretelling their death and departure therefrom,

那個就是欲界天的,欲界天的這種五死相。他「諸天」,那就是欲界天的諸天,就像地上的一樣,欸,這個東西有這個形相生起,就像我們病了,那個他也就是這個狀態。 (p274) 我們人病了以後不一定死,醫得好的,那個天上面的五衰相一現的話,那就死了,非死不可。真可怕!那麼這個「死歿苦」。第二呢,

(2) The suffering of falling to lower realms


The 《Friendly Letter》: They must take leave of the divine worlds. If their merit has run out, Then, powerless, they will become animals, hungry ghosts, or denizens of hell.


p. 169

The suffering of anxiety: Deities with vast stores of merit gain the most desirable objects. Upon seeing them, deities of lesser merit become anxious and experience great anguish and pain on this account.

(p275) 那麼還有一種呢,這一種就是他害怕。說另外有更大福德的這一種天子,生起的時候,那個薄福的天子看見了,就要受大苦惱,受大苦惱。這個一旦那個大力的天子一犯瞋心的話,哇!那個差一點的就被他欺凌了。就像我們現在世間也是一樣,其實一樣,任何到處都是一樣的,大魚吞小魚這個情況,天上亦復如是。他雖然不是把你吞掉了,但是呢你遭到的痛苦啊,我們現在眼前看看哪到處都是,天上亦復如是。而更是,越是爬得高,那個時候被吞、被壓迫的時候這個痛苦是越大。還有呢,

The sufferings of being cut, gashed, killed, and banished When deities fight with demigods, they undergo the pain of having their limbs and minor extremities cut off, having their bodies split apart, and being killed. When their heads are cut off, they die, but their other limbs regenerate after being cut off orgashed, and they survive.


As regards banishment, when there is a battle, the more powerful deities expel the weaker deities from their homes.

這是為什麼前面心裡恐怖的,那個力量強的人哪,一旦發起脾氣來,那個比較差的人, (p276) 就被從他自己的地方就趕出去。那麼本來這地方好好地享受,你被趕出去,當然痛苦啦!

Moreover, as Vasubandhu's 《Discussion of the Requisite Collections》 says: Deities who indulge in sensual pleasures are not happy in mind — They are burned by an inner fire sparked by the infection of sensual desire. How can there be happiness for those whose minds are distracted? Since their minds are not under control and undistracted even for a moment, they are by nature disturbed and agitated. They will never be calm — like a fire that has wood for fuel and that rages, whipped by the wind.


And also: they are like invalids, not long recovered from an illness, who eat improperly and get sick again.

(p277) 病剛剛好,你還再吃不適宜的,對不起,它病又發了。那個天上的快樂亦是如此!世間由於布施,或者修種種的,然後呢生到天上。那個時候啊生到了天上,那個欲樂很大,它又來了,福不能積啊,貪心又增長了,再墮落。那個是欲界。