
日期:           2019/08/08

廣論頁/行: P121L3~P121LL1

手抄頁/行: #7 冊 P113L5~P118L2

音檔起訖:   52A_1553~52A_2444

 2019  08月



The 《Questions of the Nāga Kings of the Ocean》 states: 


What I have called virtues are the taproots of the perfections of all deities and humans. They are the taproots of the enlightenment of śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas. They are the taproots of the unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. And what are these taproots? They are the ten virtuous actions. 

說這個「善法」,實際上這個善法什麼?就是這個十善業,反過來就是十惡業。這是「諸人天眾生圓滿根本依處」,它不但是根本而且是圓滿。就我們下士來說,要想獲得人道,要想獲得天道,它不但是根本而且是圓滿的。你一定要有了這個,才能夠得到人、天。那麼根本跟圓滿要說一下。你有了這個你就可以得到人道當中,但是得到人道當中, (p114) 是不是人當中好呢?有很多人雖然生在人當中啊苦不堪言,那就是不圓滿,就是不圓滿。這個我們要了解的,這樣。所以你這兩樣東西做到了,那一定在人、天當中,非常好。


And also: For example, O Lord of Nāgas, all villages, cities, municipalities, districts, countries, and kings' palaces; all grass, bushes, medicinal herbs, and trees; all fruits of labor, all stocks of seeds, the growth of all harvests, their plowing, harrowing, and production—everything rests on the earth. Their source is the earth. 


Likewise, O Lord of Nāgas, these paths of the ten virtuous actions are the sources of divine or human birth, of attaining the goal of the virtuous practices of learners and those with no more to learn, of the enlightenment of a pratyekabuddha, of all the bodhisattva deeds, and of all the qualities of a buddha. 
(p115) 【龍王,如是此諸十善業道,是生人天,得學無學諸沙門果,獨覺菩提,及諸菩薩一切妙行,一切佛法所依上處。」】


Therefore, the Buddha praises in the 《Sūtra on the Ten Levels》 for the ethical discipline in which you eliminate the ten nonvirtues. 


And Candrakirti, in the 《Commentary on the "Middle Way"》, summarized the significance of it: For ordinary beings, those born from the Buddha's speech, Those whose natures are certain as self-enlightened, or conquerors' children, There are no causes of certain goodness or high status, apart from ethical discipline. 


Repeatedly guard your ethical discipline by maintaining a sense of restraint. There are some who have no such restraint even with regard to a single practice of ethical discipline, yet still say, "I am a practitioner of the Mahāyāna." This is very dishonorable. 
(p116) 【◎ 如是不能於一尸羅,數修防護而善守護,反自說云,我是大乘者,極應呵責。】


The Sūtra of Ksitigarbha states: By means of these ten paths of virtue you will become a buddha. However, there are those who, for as long as they live, do not even minimally maintain even a single path of virtuous action, but who say such things as, "I am a Mahāyāna practitioner; I seek unexcelled, perfect enlightenment." Such people are great hypocrites and liars. They deceive the world in the presence of all the bhagavan buddhas, and they preach nihilism. When they die, they seem - confused and they fall back. 

這個引經,《地藏經》。實際上這個《地藏經》是《地藏十輪經》。平常我們說地藏三經:《本願經》、《占察善惡業報經》跟《地藏 (p117) 十輪經》。這一段話在出在《地藏十輪經》上面的。說像上面所說的這個十善業,十善業等,是由這一個努力步步上去,乃至最後究竟圓滿,這樣,這個都是它的根本。儘管你到上面去,將來越造越多,但是根本是決定啊是不能壞的!


You should understand "falling back" to be a synonym for taking a completely miserable rebirth. 

這一點我們應該認識,應該認識。好!整個的說明了, (p118) 現在我們說:哦!這個,那麼現在我們要真正修習了,這個,說業是哪些啊?告訴我們十業,這個十種。現在我們把這個十種一個、一個分別來去認識它。說第二,