
日期:           2019/08/16

廣論頁/行: P124LL3~P125L7

手抄頁/行: #7 冊 P141LL2~P149LL6

音檔起訖:   52B_2448~53A_0347

 2019  08月


The meaning of this is as the scholar Asvaghosa said: "Those with whom you should not copulate" are those held by another, those having a religious insignia, those under the protection of family or king, a prostitute who has been taken by another, and those related to you — These are the ones with whom you should not copulate. 
【如馬鳴阿闍黎說此義云:「言非應行者,他攝具法幢,種護至王護,他已娶娼妓, (p137) 諸親及繫屬,此是不應行。」】


"Those held by another" are others' wives. 


"Those who have a religious insignia" are renunciate women. 


"Those protected by family" are those who have not yet become brides and are protected by kinsfolk such as their fathers, 


who are protected by a father-in-law or a mother-in-law, who are protected by a guard, or who—in the absence of these—are protected even by themselves. 


"Those protected by a king" or his representative are those concerning whom a punitive law has been laid down. 

(p138) 這樣等等,她雖然自己沒有守護,犯了罪關在監牢裡。譬如關在監牢裡嘛,這個監牢裡邊的人管的就是他呀!你也不能隨便侵犯她。還有,

The line stating that sex with a prostitute for whom another has paid is sexual misconduct shows that there is no sexual misconduct in hiring a prostitute yourself. 


The Great Elder also taught this in a similar way. "Men," the second in the list of those with whom you should not have intercourse, refers both to oneself and to others. Inappropriate body parts are body parts other than the vagina. 


The master Asvaghosa says: What are inappropriate body parts? The mouth, the anus, the calves or Thighs pressed together, and the hand in motion. 

這個我們容易了解。這現在說起來這個世界是每況愈下,那個時候我在國外有一個地 (p139) 方,也不去說它是哪裡了,居然要求法律通過准許同性戀,要立法去保護他。唉!這個世間是每況愈下,顛倒!顛倒,這個我們就不去談它了。

This accords with what the Great Elder says: The "inappropriate body parts" are 


the mouth, the anus, the front or rear orifices of a boy or girl, and your own hand. 


Inappropriate places are 


areas such as the vicinity of gurus, for instance; a place where there is a stupa; in the presence of many people; and on uneven or hard places that are harmful to the person with whom you are having intercourse. 

(p140) 這都不是,不是應當的地方。這個通常我們說,所以平常在……以前老規矩我所曉得的,如果說男女,就是夫婦一起出門,到人家的親戚,到任何地方去的話,通常一定到那地方去,男的跟男的,內眷內眷住,男眷男眷住,分得開,清清楚楚,絕不可以,到任何地方去,除非自己出門到旅館裡去。那時古代的人這個禮儀的確是操守得很嚴哪!

The Master Asvaghosa says: In this case, inappropriate places are ones that are locations of the sublime teaching, Stupas, images, and the like, and bodhisattvas; And the vicinity of an abbot, a preceptor, or one's parents. Do not have intercourse in these inappropriate places. 


The Great Elder also taught this. 


Inappropriate times are 


when the woman is menstruating, 

(p141) 穢下,什麼是「穢下」?就是女性這個月事來的時候。

when she is at the end of a term of pregnancy, 


when she has an infant who is nursing, when she is observing a one-day vow, and when she has an illness which makes sexual intercourse inappropriate. 


Sexual intercourse is also inappropriate in excess of a proper amount. 


A proper amount is having intercourse up to five times a night. 


p. 125

The master Asvaghosa says: In that case, inappropriate times are when A woman is menstruating, pregnant, Has an infant, is unwilling, Is in pain or is unhappy and the like, Or is maintaining the eight-part one-day vow. 

(p142) 就是解釋上面。上面「有兒」,就是有小孩子吃奶。「非欲解」的話,就對方不想,那個時候要去強。這個普通我們當然不會,我們乃至於不知道。當然實際上有人說:「哎呀,我們談這個幹什麼?」是!對我們來說,我們了解這個行相以後,固然是。還有一個,作為一個出家人,將來是人天導師,引導人家的各式各樣的人,如果在家人來問你,你不清楚的話,你怎麼回答人家?所以我們還是對這個行相要弄得很清楚,然後呢告訴人家:什麼是可以,什麼是不可以,什麼地方防範起。「及其憂苦等」,不但是欲解,就是憂愁苦惱,所以上面說疾病是生病,實際上就是心裡面不對的時候,這個也不要。「住八支」,還有呢就是受齋戒的時候,八支齋戒的一切的淫都斷,這個不是時候,不可以。像關於這種問題的話,特別的就是,如果說在家人來問,我們出家的法師回答他,就應該了解:「喏!就應該這樣。」

Again, the Great Elder is similar to Asvaghosa 

凡是上面特別說馬鳴阿闍黎、大阿闍黎、大依怙尊等等,說明這種說法的確是有師承的。凡是這種地方注意哦!現在我們同學當中,常常有這種同學,曉得了一點點就歡喜亂開口,告訴別人這個樣、那個樣。看看他們這些大成就者,說任何一件事情啊,這個傳 (p143) 承源源本本,說得清清楚楚。所以我們現在學習這件事情的時候,也一定要了解得明明白白。不曉得的話,你寧願存疑說:「欸,對不起!這個我不大懂,這個問題你去問某大律師。」凡是這種事情的話,所以這個律師,為什麼叫作律師呢?不是說他持律叫作律師,所有的出家人必定要持律,所以稱為律師的話,他除了自己持律以外,對開遮的行相,非常清楚、非常明白,他能夠決斷任何疑惑。譬如說我們現在禪師,他根本的做好了,他一心一意深入禪觀,他自己不會犯,可是很多細緻的行相,他不一定弄得清楚,這個才是大的差別,不是說那些人不要持戒,這個我們要弄清楚的。所以我們剛才說,凡是碰見這種情況,自己不了解,那請問某大律師。那麼下面繼續:

with the difference that he says that daytime is an inappropriate time. 


Given that the three bases—sexual intercourse using inappropriate body parts, in an inappropriate place, or at an inappropriate time—become sexual misconduct even in regard to your own wife, it is certainly the case that they become sexual misconduct in regard to others. 


Of the three aspects of the category of attitude—perception, motivation, and affliction—perception is spoken of in the 《Compendium of Determinations》 and in the texts on discipline. The 《Compendium of Determinations》 says that the "perception of this as that" must be accurate. However, the Buddha says in the texts on discipline that in the case of the cardinal transgression of unchastity, it is the same whether the perception is mistaken or accurate. 
(p144) 【意樂分三,想者〈攝分〉中說:「於彼彼想,是須無誤。」《毘奈耶》中;「於不淨行他勝處時,說想若錯不錯皆同。」】


The《Treasury of Knowledge Auto-commentary》 explains that if you have approached another's wife with the perception that she is your own wife, then this does not become an actual path of nonvirtuous action. Vasubandhu presents two systems in regard to when intercourse under the perception that another person's wife is the wife of a third person—one in which intercourse becomes a path of nonvirtuous action and one in which it does not. 



所以前面為什麼在抉擇這個,總抉擇業果的時候,他下面告訴我們,說萬一你犯了尸羅、軌則、淨命、正見,不能圓滿哪,正見未破不怕;道理特別的,就是我們初機行持的人,的的確確要想圓滿不可能。而且《瑜伽菩薩戒本》上面特別說,什麼叫犯戒,什麼叫破戒。犯戒也就是說,就是我們一心想努力,然後呢真實去學,你了解了去學,但是因為你煩惱重啊,偏偏有很多做不到。那個時候,然後你慚愧說:「哎呀,我怎麼做不到啊!」然後你懺悔,努力去學,這種情況不叫犯戒。那麼什麼呢?就是你自己還做得不(p148) 對,還覺得我對了,或者雖然犯了,你不曉得慚愧,這個就犯戒了。這個犯不犯,主要的是什麼呢?就是說你努力肯不斷地改善,正見未失,努力增上,時時向上,這個就是我們初機修學應該了解的,這個是我特別說明哪!


p. 125 (5)

The affliction is any of the three mental poisons. 


The motivation is the desire, due to unchastity, to copulate. 


As for the performance, the Compendium of Determinations” states that even in terms of causing others to commit sexual misconduct, the instigator of such an action incurs the misdeed of sexual misconduct as well. However, the Treasury of Knowledge Auto-commentary” explains that such instigation is not an actual path of action. You should examine whether Asanga's explanation may mean that such instigation is a fault which is not an actual path of action. The culmination is the sexual union of the two parts. 
(p149) 【加行者,〈攝分〉中說:「教他邪行,教者亦生欲邪行罪。」《俱舍釋》說:「如此則無根本業道。」前或意說非根本罪,然須觀察。究竟者,謂兩兩交會。】
