
日期:           2020/03/14 (複習)

廣論頁/行: P156LL2~P157L7

手抄頁/行: #9 冊 P148LL3~P153L3

音檔起訖:   69A_1851~69A_2641

 2020  03月


【◎ 如是八苦之中,】


(i) The suffering of birth. There are five points to contemplate:

(p149) 分五個項目。

1) Birth is suffering because it is associated with pain: birth is accompanied by many intense feelings of pain for the following four types of living beings; those born as hell-beings, hungry ghosts who invariably suffer, beings born from a womb, and beings born from an egg.


2) Birth is suffering because it is associated with dysfunctional tendencies;


all of the compositional factors of the three realms, because they are associated with dysfunctional tendencies that are in harmony with the class of the afflictions, are ill-suited [to the service of virtue] and uncontrollable.

這一旦生了以後,生起來了以後,煩惱也跟著來了。「三界一切行」,不但是地獄,那當然不談,惡道不談,乃至於天上面,色界也好,無色界也好,行苦當中。這個「行」 (p150) 本身就是「煩惱品」。「無堪能性」,什麼叫無堪能性?你沒有力量,你想不受這個苦的輪迴的圈套,做不到,你不得自在的。這第二個。

Moreover, once you possess the compositional factors of a living being within the three realms, you too are bound to dysfunctional tendencies that are in harmony with the class of afflictions. In short, because the compositional factors are associated with seeds that generate, sustain, and increase the afflictions, they are ill-suited to the service of virtue; furthermore, you cannot control them as you would wish.


3) Birth is suffering because it is the origin of suffering: you take birth in the three realms and on that basis suffer old age, illness, and death.

第三個,這個生是一切苦的依處,這個一切的苦都依這個上面,所以「眾苦所依」。第一個是眾苦所跟著來,還有呢煩惱跟著來,煩惱。現在呢,一切的苦是依於這個生,這 (p151) 三界之內一旦受生了,下面的都依這個,無邊眾苦。

4) Birth is suffering because it is the origin of the afflictions: when you are born in cyclic existence, the three mental poisons arise for objects of attachment, hostility, and ignorance, and as a result, body and mind are disturbed and in pain, and you cannot be happy. The afflictions torment your body and mind in numerous ways.


5) Birth is suffering because it is an unwanted separation:


all births end in death, which is undesirable, and causes you to experience only suffering.
(p152) 【謂一切生最後邊際,咸不出死此非所愛,此復能令唯受眾苦。】


Thus, at birth you are bound to pain and endowed with dysfunctional tendencies. Birth leads to illness, aging, and so forth, as well as to the afflictions and death.


Consider how these give rise to suffering as well.

所以從第一個,從生上面去想,又分這個五個項目,分五個項目。你越能夠深入多方面去思惟,那麼增長的功德是越大,增長的功德越大。我們眼前都顛倒了。前面一開始告訴我們,我們把眼前很多事情覺得淨相增長。「淨相」是什麼?好的,看快樂的、安樂的。我們無始的煩惱在這裡,唯一的方法就是對治。所以對眼前很多可愛的東西,千萬注意啊!要想到它的可怕,不可愛的那一面。你如果不修習這個的話,說什麼都沒有用。講戒,就在這個上面,所以講了半天的戒,然後呢到這個境界現起,為什麼一點用場都沒有啊?就是你沒有認真思惟。所以有一些人,哎呀!講戒啊,又講這個、講這個,境界現前,了不相干。我心裡面實在覺得可憐,也只能說這樣,只能說可憐、愚癡啊!然後呢, (p153) 他還自作聰明,這是我覺得愚癡是莫勝於此!我想這是我的善知識,阿彌陀佛!我可千萬不要犯這個毛病。這個,這個地方他現在提醒我們這一點。