(iii) The suffering of illness. Here there are also five points to
contemplate: 苦也分五個,把它唸一下。我想這個苦大家都容易體會得到,所以唸一下你們自己去體會它。第一個: 1) Illness changes the nature of the body: the flesh wastes away,
the skin dries out, and so forth. 這是第二個。 3) There is no desire for attractive
things: (p168) 平常的時候,你要眼睛也好,吃也好、玩也好,那個時候都不行了。 as you are told that desirable things harm those who are sick, you
cannot indulge in them freely; and you do not have the range of movements
and postures that you would wish. 前面是說你歡喜的,對不起,不行。你不歡喜的偏偏要,就這樣。 5) You lose your vital energy: it is painful to realize that your
illness is terminal. Reflect with care upon these
points. 同樣的。 As the 《Extensive Sport S?tra》 says: Hundreds of illnesses and the
pain of rampant disease afflict us, just as humans oppress wild
animals. 就像人,打獵的人趕那個鹿一樣,這個病,這個病來害我們也是這個。 Regard the beings overwhelmed by old age and disease and quickly
speak about escape from suffering. 趕快啊!要從佛那個地方,告訴我們這個苦,從這個地方想辦法跳出來啊! In deep winter, wind and great blizzards Take the vigor from the
grasses, shrubs, trees, and herbs. In the same way, disease takes the
vigor out of living beings; It breaks down their faculties, physical
appearance, and strength. (p169) 一樣! It will drain a great fortune in wealth and grain to the last.
Disease constantly humiliates living beings; It harms them and is
contemptuous of beauty. It torments them, like the sun beating down from
the sky. 這個文字也不必解釋,這個文字自己仔細地觀察,反正像這種東西自己都體會得到的,很容易。體會得到的,體會;體會不到的,信得過佛,努力去思惟、觀察。現在目前這個時候最切要的一件事情,我們一定要把這個概念提起來。 最後,生、老、病、死當中,「死」: (iv) The suffering of death Again, there are five points to
contemplate: 只要我們的心念當中,對前面這個真相不認識,因為不認識而不厭離,乃至於貪著。在這種狀態,要不斷地思惟,現在我們不忙別的,真正要忙的是要忙這個啊,這個要注意啊!我們現在這裡要求學問,不要把它看成學問看,它是目的在這裡。你能夠在這個上面,那就是你的大學問,否則你認識得再多是沒有用啊! How do the first four of these constitute suffering? You suffer
upon seeing that you are losing these four excellent
things. (p170) 這個就是說財位、親屬等等。 The 《Extensive Sport S?tra》: You die and pass on to another life,
and in so doing you are forever separated from people who are beautiful
and beloved. Like a leaf fallen from a tree, or the current of a river,
you will never return and meet them again. Death makes the powerful weak.
Death takes you away, as a river carries away a log. People go alone,
unaccompanied, with no companion—powerless because their karma has its
effects. 這個是自己的業力所感得的,你沒有辦法可想的。 Death seizes myriad living beings, as sea-monsters seize swarms of
creatures, as an eagle seizes a snake, or a lion an elephant, as fire
takes hold of grass, trees, and swarming
creatures. 這個死來的時候,就是這樣的一個狀態,不管在任何狀態當中,一旦死來了,好,就這麼一條路,就這麼一條路。這個是生老病死,這個四樣,今天這個地方說一下。 請翻到《菩提道次第廣論》第161頁。八苦已經講了生、老、病、死,每一個裡邊分五個項目,每一個裡邊分五個項目。這個是多去思惟、觀察,那麼那個時候,會產生強烈的一種感受,說人生無非都是痛苦。那麼下面另外四個,那就是眼前我們處處地方,感受這個三種,最後一個實際上呢,這就是根本,最重要的。現在一個一個地我們討論下去,看文: p. 161 (v) The suffering of encountering what is unpleasant. Here there
are also five points to contemplate: 也分五樣。 1) Merely encountering your enemies, for example, causes pain and
anguish. 世間理想的事情,偏偏不容易找到。那麼不理想的呢,我們不希望的呢,偏偏排遣不開。怨的冤家,瞋的,你所討厭的,偏偏要讓你碰到。我們眼前想想看,的確隨時隨地沒有一樣東西稱我們心。那麼這個裡邊分五個項目。遇到怨敵,就生憂、苦—心裡面憂愁,然後呢,怨敵互相傷害,身上面苦惱。這憂苦也可以分身心、兩方面,也可以總和身心而言。 那麼又怕他,這總的,怕他傷害你,怕他傷害你,這第二個。由於這樣,同時呢「怖畏惡名」,這個怨家,大家都—你說我不對,我說你不對,那麼種種的對我們的誹謗。然後呢,「遭非讚頌」,讚跟頌是我們希望的,在這種情況之下,他偏偏不但得不到,而且傷害你。還有呢,怖畏惱死,不但是眼前實際上的名譽,實質上的傷害,而且乃至於因此而送掉性命。送掉了性命呢,「違正法故」,還要怕死後墮落惡趣,這樣。這個五個方 (p172) 面。怨的呢偏偏碰到,反過來你希望的嘛,偏偏要別離! (vi) The suffering of separation from what is pleasant. Again,
there are five points to contemplate. When you are separated from a very
dear relative, for example: 第一個憂愁,心裡邊真是……。 2) In your speech, you lament. 心裡面嘛,憂慼;開起口來嘛,唉呀,真不曉得什麼是好! 3) You bring harm to your own body. 4) You are saddened, recalling and missing the good qualities of
what you have lost. 因為想起來這個恩愛的人有種種好處,捨不得啊!心裡面就放不下。 5) Recourse is no longer available for what you have lost. Reflect
on these. 因此我種種的受用也缺乏,也分五項,這都容易懂。 (vii) The suffering of not getting what you want. Again, there are
five points, 這第七個,你要求的呢求不到, similar to separation from what is pleasant. 就像愛別離一樣,愛別離是你親愛的,所 Seeking but not getting what you want means, 就是你忙的事情。 for example, farming a field but reaping no
harvest, 種田人呢忙了半天,收成不好。 or engaging in business but receiving no
profits. 作生意人呢,得不到利益。 The pain of disappointment comes from working hard to get something
that you long for, and then not getting
it. 這個文都容易懂。那麼我們這是把這個所說的意義,隨時隨地多方面,擺在我們現實生活狀態當中去體會。譬如說,乃至於我們出家了,修學佛法了也是,唉呀,想像當中一番熱誠,可是跑到哪裡呀大失所望!那就是什麼?求不得。求不得的另外一面呢,偏偏碰見的,那還不如我們想像。萬一你覺得滿好的話呢,也不一定能夠好—覺得現在,喔唷,許多真正有成就的等等,偏偏你又沒辦法跟著他,就是諸如此類。不管是世間、出世間,在在都是這種現況。最後: |