
日期:           2020/03/26 (複習)

廣論頁/行: P157L8~P159L5

手抄頁/行: #9 冊 P153L4~P161L8

音檔起訖:   69A_2641~69B_1128

 2020  03月


In particular, the suffering you undergo in the womb is
【◎ 特住胎時受何苦者。】


as described in Candragomin's 《Letter to a Student》: After you have entered the womb, which is like hell, you are hemmed in by foulsmelling filth and trapped in pitch-dark gloom. Your body cramped, you must undergo enormous sufferings.

那麼這個是論上面告訴我們:唉!這個地方啊,又臭、又髒、又逼迫、又黑暗、又窄,這個真像住在這個地獄裡邊一樣,備受痛苦。所以經上告訴我們,這個住胎的時候,如果這個母親吃飽了,像壓在山底下一樣。哎呀!等一下肚子餓了,你就像吊在空中一樣,因為前面壓著嘛,忽然之間又這樣子。然後吃的熱的話,又燙得個受不了。等一下冷的話,你又凍得個受不了,這麼個嚴重法呀!這是千真萬確的事實,只是我們現在都不知 (p154) 道。所以我們多多思惟的話,那對於這個生死,的確是一無可取。


The 《Descent into the Womb S?tra 》explains the meaning of these words: Filthy with quantities of urine, brainlike substances, thick saliva, and marrow, the fetus dwells above the intestines and below the stomach, in a space which is filled with many kinds of filth and is home to a myriad of bacteria, with two very foul-smelling openings and hollows and apertures in the bone. Its front faces the vertebrae and its back, the stomach wall. It is nourished every month by its mother's uterine blood. The bits of food its mother has eaten are ground by her two rows of teeth and swallowed. As it is swallowed, the food is moistened from below by saliva and the oozing of mouth sores, while it is polluted from above by thick saliva. The remains of that vomit-like food enter from above through the umbilical cords opening and generate growth.

The remains of that vomit-like food enter from above through the umbilical cords opening and generate growth. Through the thickening, quivering, elongated, and globular stages, the embryo is completely transformed into a fetus with arms and legs. The placenta encloses its arms, legs, and cheeks. Reeking like an old rag used for mucus, the stench is unbearable.

p. 158

Enshrouded in pitch darkness, it moves up and down. The bitter, sour, pungent, salty, spicy, and astringent tastes of food affect it like hot coals. Like an intestinal worm, it feeds on filthy fluids; it finds itself in a swamp that oozes rotting filth. Its lifeforce is unstable. The heat of its mother’s body torments, heats, and overheats it all in three degrees: slightly, moderately, and greatly. It experiences distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agony. Whenever its mother moves a little, moderately, or greatly, it also moves in the same way, constrained by five bonds. It experiences agony that is distressing, intense, violent, unbearable, and almost inconceivable, as though it had been thrust into a pit of burning cinders.

前面是經上的,不仔細解釋。我們真正修行的話就要學這個,自己真正要用功的時候,你就這樣先把那個道理你去弄懂,弄懂了就想。如果你想不出來,簡單極了,簡單 (p156) 極了!哦,現在都不大簡單,我們小的時候比較好;現在的那些衛生設備,說起來叫衛生,說起來好!這樣。所以以前我曾經遇見一個老師,那個老師就告訴我們:「現在人真顛倒,邪見增長,我們那時候,處處都是修行。它現在裝飾得,每一個地方裝飾得真美,乃至於那太平間,人死了以後,哎呀!裝飾得、還要畫得就像那個……。一切的進去的時候,沒有一點點喪事的氣氛讓你,只是因為你的親人的感受。」我現在想想越想越對,我們小的時候,哪裡有現在的衛生設備,這沒有的—坑!你一坑一跑得去,跑得老遠那個蒼蠅飛起來,那個臭氣啊!這樣,然後你看那個蛆在裡邊……。我們在母胎當中就這個樣,說實在的就這個樣!

啊!所以你一定要用這種方法,實際上呢比牠還要苦。欸,牠這個蛆,在這個糞坑裡只是臭一點,它不會逼、不會炙。我們在這個地方不但又臭又髒,而且又壓又冷、又寒又熱,沒有一個不具足,這樣。不過,但是並不一定完全如此喔,有很多如果生,他的善業的話,他在這個地方母胎當中是很安樂的。但是這個地方我們不要去想善業,就是說,如果說你不如法地去修苦的話,將來你總有一天,生了天下來的還是這個;這個還是最好的,你還要墮落地獄當中去。所以這個地方的特質,你要把最苦的想出來;想了以後,然後呢,被苦的力量推動你拼命去跳出來,這是他的目的,這個我們要重點要了解的。所以 (p157) 他下面是解釋,解釋我也只把它唸一遍。

Similarly, it is said that the fetus is harmed in the womb when the mother eats too much or too little; eat food that is too oily, pungent, cold, hot, salty, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, or astringent; indulges her sexual desires; runs too much or too fast; jumps or swims; or sits or squats in front of the fire. It is also said that the fetus is confined by the stomach and held firm by the intestines,


as though it were bound by five bonds or impaled on a stake. There is even further suffering when the infant emerges from the womb and is born into the outside. Candragomin's 《Letter to a Student》 says:


It is crushed slowly, like sesame seeds in an oil press, and then somehow it is born. Nonetheless, those who do not lose their lives immediately must settle for pain. The body that dwelt and grew in that filth is smeared with the wombs slime and has an unbearably foul smell. Memory is lost upon being inflicted with such torment, which is like having an inflamed boil burst or being on the verge of vomiting.

出來的時候,就像壓油一樣,不曉得你們看見過搾油?現在的搾油用化學提煉,我們以前那個搾油,那真是!先把油擺在鍋子裡面燒,烤得熱得不得了,先把他壓扁,壓扁了以後呢烤熱, (p158) 烤了以後放一個籠裡邊,然後用大鐵鎚去壓,那個不得了的力量。現在我看見人家鍛鋼筋,以前老法的鍛鋼筋拿了大鐵鎚叭一鎚下去,把那鋼筋弄斷了。他那個搾油的人,那工人也是一樣,那手都是這麼粗,打那個大鐵鎚,那我們被出生的時候就是用這種方法,要現在那個鐵鎚,不要說碰到一下,你輕輕的那個鐵鎚放下來壓在你腳指頭上的話,壓的你哇哇叫,現在那出生的是那麼苦法!這是處處地方告訴我們。

The 《Descent into the Womb S?tra》 explains the meaning of these Words:


Thus, when all its major and minor limbs have developed, the fetus stirs in a frightful, pitch-dark place of urine that oozes rot, has an unbearable stench, is contaminated by excrement and urine, and continually dripping with foul-smelling filth, blood, and putrid fluids. Energy arising from the maturation of previous karma makes its feet turn up and its head turn down toward the opening. With both arms drawn in, it is slightly, moderately, and utterly smashed between two machines of bone. The distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agonies cause all the limbs of the body—painful as fresh wounds—to turn blue. All of the body's organs become hot. Since the uterine slime is now much reduced, the surface of the body dries out, and so the lips, throat, and heart become parched.

p. 159

Confined and full of insufferable dread, it emerges—however difficult this may be—when drawn out by the influence of causes and conditions, by energies arising from the maturation of previous karma. Once outside, the air burns like caustic liquid on a wound; the mere touch of a hand or a cloth feels like the cut of a sword. It experiences distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agony.
【住此迫迮難忍苦處。此由因緣增上,宿業異熟生風吹促至極艱辛,始得產出。生已無間,被外風觸如割塗灰,手衣觸時如利劍割,當受 (p159) 粗猛難忍非悅極大苦受。」】


It is said that when taken up onto someones lap and the like, or touched with hot or cold objects, the newborn baby experiences distressing, intense, violent, and unbearable agony, like a flayed cow being eaten by vermin or a leper whose lesions are struck with a whip.

然後呢,大人看見很歡喜把他抱起來,抱的時候,他碰到任何一個地方,碰到的無非 (p160) 是……所以那個小孩子一生下來,哭啊!就是這樣,就是這個原因,他痛苦嘛!每一樣東西都是難以忍受的,都不是好的。

Among the eight types of sufferings, regard this first type, along with the eighth type the suffering of the five appropriated aggregates, as the most crucial and meditate upon both of them.


Therefore, as explained before, you should repeatedly investigate them with discerning wisdom and meditate on them.


所以這個世間你了解了,沒有第二條路好走的。往往有人說,唉呀,弄弄不行, (p161) 要退轉去了。假如退轉去安樂的話,我第一個退轉,我絕對不願意跑得來受這個罪。因為我現在了解得清楚、明白,沒有第二條路好走的。現在你雖然苦,你拼命努力有跳出苦的機會,你現在這一點小苦都受不了,退轉,後面是無邊的大苦等在這裡。現在這麼小苦你受不了要退轉,你那個無邊的大苦就受得了了嗎?那這是個最重要的概念。為什麼我們要退轉呢?就是糊塗!所以這些都是真正幫忙我們的。所以說,在這裡雖然不講,對你們修行這個是最重要的,最重要的!現在我們繼續下去,反正每一個地方,我們曉得它的功效在什麼地方。如果生這種病的時候,馬上跑得來找這個藥,這個藥是對我們的正對治。那麼生曉得了,老: